My Learning Timeline

my personal timeline from 2014 till present

This timeline predicts my Learning journey @ ICT in Edu Course, IOL/The Institute

1998-10-01 00:00:00

SPI, Pedagogic Institute for Primary Education

AVF doorlopen en gecontinueerd met BVF. Vanuit het examenklas BVF overgestapt naar onderwijzersakte

2000-02-01 09:00:00

Start of my Teaching Carreer

Started my career as Kidstrainer @ Nonprofit organization Stichting Education Communication Networks Suriname (Educons). As a kid trainer I suppose to teach computer skills to kids of the age 6- 13. Besides Computer skill the kids were learning also with tutorials as Davilex, Nedercom, Blackboard zesde klas online(12th grade exams). This was the motivation path for me to continue my study to become a teacher. I started taking classes at pedagogic institute (SPI)

2002-02-14 09:00:00

All round trainer in Computer skills

Certified allround trainer in Computer skills At Educons

2002-03-04 09:00:00

Teacher Assistant in Distance Education

I was trained as teacher assistant in distance education on the learning platform Blackboard and Moodle. The distance Education program was funded by Unesco, Japan Embassy and Dutch Embassy. IOL and ADEK university was the first trained in this digital learning platform

2002-03-04 09:00:00

Trainer in Nedercom

In 2002 I was trained as a trainer in de Nedercom tutorial. Together with mr.Ton Wolf I trained several schools in using the program Nedercom

2002-10-01 09:00:00

My 1st Degree in Teaching

Onderwijzersakte, degree of teaching at the primary education

2004-10-01 09:00:00

Teacher @ Secondary

Computer skills at vocational secondary, a Pilot program implemented by Ministry of Education. (Blind typing on typewriter has been change in blind typing on computer and other computerskills)

2004-10-01 09:00:00


Hoofdakte, behaald in 2007

2006-11-01 09:00:00

Math course @ IOL

At IOL I had to start with my second choice course because my 1st choice ( Pedagogic course) was held on. So in 2007 when the course was started I joined the pedagogic course.

2007-11-01 09:00:00

Pedagogic Course @ IOL

A 3 year program Bachelor in Education degree Course in Pedagogic (Bed.Pedagogic). Price: SRD 500,=

2010-01-12 09:00:00

Minor 1 Project: Early Child Development (ECD)

A minor study on ECD, Early Child Development

2010-02-23 09:00:00

Minor 2 project: Volwassen Educatie

A Minor Studie on Education based on dropouts, a second change for those who are above the school age and still want to learn

2010-06-22 09:00:00

Minor 3 project: School and Management

A Minor Study on School and Management at the Pedagogic course, IOL

2014-10-30 09:00:00

ICT in Edu @IOL, Cohort 1

ICT in edu course, a 3 year programme in Bachelor degree, implemented by MINOWC/ The Institute @ IOL. PRICE: US$1700,= +SRD500,=

2014-10-30 09:00:00

Introduction ICT in Edu

ICT in Edu was launched @ Lalarookh 2nd building. Keynote speaker was Dr. Alejandro, Topic: a bridge to 21st Century skills.

2015-11-03 09:00:00

Module 7 My personalized Learningplan

in this module I learned doing Lessonplan in a differentway as a way in, a way through and a way out. Also learned to make a timeline

2016-01-12 08:00:00

Lesson observation

Observed 8 lessons of different teachers.

2016-02-11 08:00:00

From Stem to Steam to STREAM

Streaming Basic Education, Innovatie bassis onderwijs (IBO-frstival). Een ware uitdaging om het geleerde toe te passen en zoveel als mogelijk aan het publiek te promoten

2016-03-15 09:00:00

Global Money Week 2016

De GMW heeft als doel het verhogen van de economische en maatschappelijke participatie van jeugd en jongeren door middel van educatieve en interactieve activiteiten rondom geldzaken, ondernemerschap en het creëren van een duurzaam inkomen voor levensonderhoud, zegt de voorlichting van de Centrale Bank van Suriname (CBvS).

2016-11-09 13:06:46

Management of Educational Change M13

Project Elements #1 Need finding, Problem statement, Vision, Mission, Long term Goals #2 Stakeholder Identification, Stakeholder Analysis (hypothesis) and plan for Engagement #3 Stakeholder Interviews #4 Guiding Coalition Formation & Draft of Diffusion Interventions #5 Communication and Collaboration Tools #6 Dealing with Obstacles #7 SMART goals, short term wins, resources, sustainability & scalability #8 Storytelling Role Play - round table presentation for Buy-In

2016-12-06 13:22:10

Participatory Action Research M16

Bij deze heb ik geleerd hoe ik een onderzoek moet voorbereiden, met welke componenten rekening gehouden moet worden en wat het meerwaarde is van het onderzoek

2016-12-06 13:22:10

Adult Learning M14

Learn about adult learning how to deal with

2017-03-08 13:06:46

How to design a Curriculum

i learn a lot how to re-design a curriculum from Profesor Koen DePryck, as an assignment i design a concept curriculum for the SMO.

2017-05-22 13:22:10

Project Report

We had to write a project report of the project we've done from module 13, 16 and 17.

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