House of Leaves Timeline
This is a timeline to unravel the Introduction and first two chapters of Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves
This timeline is a work in progress fragmenting the intense narrative framework that is House of Leaves. ;xNLx;;xNLx;The timeline originates with Danielewski's writing about Johnny Truant's editor. The editor collates Johnny Truant's writing and research about Zampano's The Navidson Record. This reveals the next layer: Zampano's writing and research about Will Navidson's "Five and a Half Minute Hallway," which is also fictionalized by Zampano.
1720-01-01 07:26:48
House on Ash Tree Lane was built
"According to Alicia Rosenbaum...the house on Ash Tree Lane has had more than a few occupants, approximately .37 owners every year, most of whom were traumatized in some way" (21).
1979-01-01 10:28:40
Karen Green and Will Navidson Meet
Zampano mentions this briefly in Chapter II.
1990-04-01 10:28:40
"The Five and a Half Minute Hallway"
Will Navidson begins filming "The Five and a Half Minute Hallway"
1990-06-01 07:26:48
The change in the house
"In early June of 1990, the Navidsons flew to Seattle for a wedding" (24).
1990-06-01 07:26:48
New Editors
Why a house? Why hallways?
1990-06-02 04:47:28
Footnote 35
In Appendix II-A Mr. Truant provides a sketch of this floor plan on the back of an envelope.--Ed.
1990-06-02 07:26:48
The Day After The Door's Discovery
The Navidson's look over previous blueprints from 1981.
1991-01-01 07:26:48
A Short from Navidson's Documentary Surfaces
As a result of this surfacing people attempt to find Navidson and the house, and ultimately fail.
1993-04-01 07:26:48
The Navidson Record is Released
Miramax releases VHS copies of The Navidson Records in New York and Los Angeles
1993-05-01 10:28:40
Post Release Reputations
Following the release of The Navidson Record, neither Karen nor Navidson's reputation escaped unscathed.
1993-12-01 07:26:48
Explosion of Interest in The Navidson Record
Since the opening The Navidson Record has been screened nationwide and continues to generate interest.
1995-01-01 10:28:40
Footnote 2
See Daniel Bowler's "Resurrection on Ash Tree Lane: Elvis, Christmas Past, and Other Non-Entities."
1995-02-04 10:28:40
Footnote 10
Zampano cites Dr. Isaiah Rosen's belief: "Navidson's fraud from frame one and his early posturing puts the entire work at risk"
1995-11-20 20:31:47
Footnote 12
In reference to Rosen's statement about Navidson's devious or fraudulent character Zampano writes:
1997-01-05 10:28:40
Zampano leaves his legacy
Zampano leaves a note bequeathing his life's work to whomever finds it.
1997-01-06 10:28:40
"Then the old man died."
Zampano dies, and Johnny Truant enters the narrative.
1997-01-07 10:28:40
"The First Peculiar Thing"
Lude leads Johnny Truant into Zampano's apartment, where Lude explains some curiosities surrounding Zampano's death.
1997-02-02 10:28:40
Footnote 4
Johnny Truant begins to go through Zampano's The Navidson Record. JT's footnote translates: "Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create/ Se non etterne, e io etterna duro./ Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate."
1997-02-03 10:28:40
Footnote 5
Footnote 5 appears at the end of footnote 4.
1997-03-01 07:26:48
Publishing Attempts all Fail
No one wanted the old man's words--except me.
1998-10-31 07:25:17
Johnny Truant's Contribution
Johnny Truant signs and dates his introduction to The Navidson Record: Johnny Truant, October 31, 1998, Hollywood, CA
2000-03-07 00:00:00
House of Leaves published by Random House. Somehow, Johnny Truant will see a copy of this book in a bar.