my teaching tik toki timeline

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii im shaya kalpoe student of ict. I want to become a great ict teacher and my goal is to finish my study.

2015-02-11 13:16:55

Be streaming

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nickerie

2015-02-11 13:16:55

my teaching philosophy staement

Hi i'm Shaya Kalpoe 21 years old. My goal is to finish my study ict in education successfully and i want to learn more and more. Ict is very fantastic. education is what . remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. i believe that al the students are individuals and as a teacher you have to be engaged with your students so that if they want to discuss about something they should feel free. empower the students to leadership, respectfull and to parcitipate good in the class Quote: learn from yesterday. live for today and hope for tomorrow. I use Albert Einstein quotes because it always gives me a good courage and inspiration when I read it haha

2015-02-23 14:33:13

lesson plan

A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class learning. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the needs of the students. There may be requirements mandated by the school system regarding the plan. A lesson plan is the teacher's guide for running a particular lesson, and it includes the goal (what the students are supposed to learn), how the goal will be reached (the method, procedure) and a way of measuring how well the goal was reached (test, worksheet, homework etc.).

2015-02-23 14:33:13

the bono hats

usefull ict tool for the classroom

2015-03-04 06:33:16


What is scamper? substitute, combine, adapt,modify, magnify, minify, put to other uses,eliminate reverse and rearrange

2015-03-04 06:33:16

scamper 2

2015-03-18 04:56:19


Toondo is very useful resource that allows you to create your own books, comics and cartoon strips very easily. The fun part is when you can use it effectively to excite and engage your students to learn a new concept! Even better, you can ask the students also to make their own ToonDoo

2015-03-26 00:57:55


Popplet ( (Links to an external site.)) is a tool for the iPad and web to capture and organize your ideas. It is a Concept Map maker, share with social networks. Popplet is used in classrooms across a range of subjects, and while our visual thinking app quickly comes to mind in the English and creative arts classrooms, we are also seeing Popplet used in the STEM subjects of science, technology and math. This online concept mapping service allows users to create concept maps with different colors, images, fonts, videos, and drawings. Popplet allows users to create a concept map about any subject. It could be used to help teach students about the relationship between ideas, help students organize their writing, or show information in a visual manner.

2015-04-24 20:54:47

Final Report agriculture

this is our group project agriculture and farmers.Why is this project important for Suriname (nickerie)?Because it is one of the most important sources of income in Suriname that’s why we need to guarantee it’s existence. Rice is a very important part of the daily food we consume in Nickerie.

2015-04-24 20:54:47

google sketchup

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2015-04-25 18:36:31

critical thinking

Critical Thinking on the other hand is very different from Creativity! Think of the following example. Someone says there is gold in a certain area. A vertical thinker digs a deeper hole while a lateral thinker digs holes everywhere. Critical thinking is a type of clear, reasoned thinking that includes observation, interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation and metacognition. Critical thinking employs not only logic but broad intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, significance, and fairness.

2015-04-25 18:36:31

agriculture 2

our full presentation in prezi

2015-05-03 07:24:13

Design thinking

Design Thinking is a methodology used by designers to solve complex problems, and find desirable solutions for clients. Design Thinking draws upon logic, imagination, intuition, and systemic reasoning, to explore possibilities of what could be, and to create desired outcomes that benefit the end user (the customer).

2015-07-22 03:49:47

one minute video film

2015-08-01 05:58:26

eportfolio one minute video


2015-11-26 23:33:16

plp: Learning inventory

Strengths that can be applied to my teaching career are: -I need to know who my students are -To be flexible and teach them in different ways -I need to be connect with them and being patience -Creativity, discipline What I need to work in this year: -How can I teach most effectively -What they need to know and to do -Making a lesson plan Support you need from peers, mentors, professors, former teachers: -Positive and supportive feedback -Good communication and knowledge

2015-11-27 12:34:31

what kind of student of student are you?

2015-11-27 12:34:31

what's your learning styles?

What's Your Learning Style? The Results shaya kalpoe's scores: Auditory: 45% Visual: 35% Tactile: 20% Auditory If you are an auditory learner, you learn by hearing and listening. You understand and remember things you have heard. You store information by the way it sounds, and you have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones. You often learn by reading out loud because you have to hear it or speak it in order to know it. As an auditory learner, you probably hum or talk to yourself or others if you become bored. People may think you are not paying attention, even though you may be hearing and understanding everything being said. Here are some things that auditory learners like you can do to learn better. Sit where you can hear. Have your hearing checked on a regular basis. Use flashcards to learn new words; read them out loud. Read stories, assignments, or directions out loud. Record yourself spelling words and then listen to the recording. Have test questions read to you out loud. Study new material by reading it out loud.

2016-01-16 10:25:52

New on timeline module 7/8

colllaborative learning its very important for students. Through collaborative: the students willunderstand a subject better and they also will be engaged and a good communication is very important also. Learning environment: creating a possitive classroom. providing the learning environments that the kids need

2016-01-16 11:00:16

personalized learning

its very important for the teacher to have a good communication with the students to know their needs

2016-01-18 20:16:50

New story 1

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2016-05-28 20:16:50

formative assessment

Formative assessment, including diagnostic testing, is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures conducted by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment.

2016-12-01 20:16:50

school gardens

EnteSchool Gardens. Growing Minds trains individuals to establish farm to school gardens and to integrategardening into state and national curriculum. We emphasize how to sustain a garden program by involving community partners, such as parents, farmers, college students, and agricultural professionals.r story info here

2017-07-10 20:16:50

adult learning

Adults have different learning requirements and expectations than thos of children or adolescents

my teaching tik toki timeline

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