President Obama's Most Notable Speeches

President Obama has given many speeches in his career as a politician and tonight's speech will be one of his biggest to date. Here is a timeline highlighting his past notable speeches.

Credits: Chelsea Boone, Ellen Fishel, Matt McNab, Matt Owings;xNLx;

2004-07-27 19:14:15

2004 DNC Keynote Address

Obama spoke about having "The Audacity of Hope" in Boston.

2008-03-18 10:16:51

Race Speech: 'A More Perfect Union'

In Philadelphia, Obama addressed race after a controversial video of his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, surfaced.

2008-08-28 10:16:51

2008 DNC Acceptance Speech

Obama accepted the democratic presidential nomination in front of the largest convention crowd in history in Denver.

2008-11-04 00:00:00

Barack Obama’s Victory Speech

Obama addressed supporters in Chicago following his historical victory in the presidential race.

2010-01-27 20:51:13

2010 State of the Union Address

President Obama spoke to Congress and the country at his first official State of the Union address in Washington.

2011-05-01 17:22:05

President Obama on Death of Osama Bin Laden

Speaking at the White House, President Obama informed the country that Osama bin Laden had been killed.

2012-01-24 22:59:15

2012 State of the Union Address

President Obama discussed education reform and other topics in Washington.

President Obama's Most Notable Speeches

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