Writing Timeline

Events that formed the writer that I am today

2006-11-22 20:28:30

7th grade writing test

This was the first writing assignment that I felt was very important to do well on, and I never liked the format or standardized writing tests where you find out the prompt right as you have to begin writing.

2009-09-09 00:00:00

Sophomore Year Writing Test

During my sophomore year of high school, we had a big writing test in the same format as the one we had in 7th grade. I took this test more seriously because I knew it was in the exact format as the writing portion of the SAT, which I was preparing for.

2011-09-07 04:58:50

Junior Year Research Paper

This was the most in-depth writing assignment that I've done, and our class spent about two months on this paper. I enjoyed writing about my research more than anything, although I ended up not doing the greatest on the assignment.

2011-11-06 00:00:00

SAT Writing Test

This was the writing assignment that I've put the most effort into, though I didn't like the format for standardized writing tests. I was worried about the test but I ended up doing much better than I anticipated.

Writing Timeline

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