We and/or them
1982-06-28 21:03:17
Vuk Drašković, Nož, ZAPIS, Beograd 1982., 24-25
“All shall pass and everything shall get even, but hatred of Osmanovic never will. (...) Just because you are of the same blood, originating from your seed, their hatred is infinite. That is why their madness has no limits. That origin is the spot on their conscience and their name (...) How could they become ‘Croatian flowers’ and craziest fighters for Ustasha state? For and because Pavelic put destruction of Serbs For and because Pavelic put destruction of Serbs as the foremost and holy covenant on his flag! (...) That kind would, just as well, agre with the Devil himself, with whoever, only if the promise is eradication of Serbian name. Origin, it is the origin that keeps them restless, tormenting them when they sleep, that is the unhealing wound.“
1989-06-28 21:03:17
Čedomir Lukić, Značaj boja na Kosovu, Politika, Beograd
„... In that sense, Serbs and Kosovo can be compared, to a certain degree, with Jews, who had much graver destiny, being not only without a state for 2000 years, but also without land, scattered all over the world. Their ‘wall of crying’, just like Kosovo, played the role of reminding on a defeat (in 1389) that needs to be avenged.“
1989-06-28 21:03:17
The speech of Slobodan Milosevic at Gazimestan in 1989 at the occasion of 600th anniversary of Kosovo battle of 1389.
1989-08-14 21:03:17
Đ. Kozar, M. Plivčić, Pomen kosovskim junacima, Oslobođenje, Sarajevo,
„Pomen kosovskim junacima. Arhijerejskom “Religious service to Kosovo heroes. Bishop’s liturgy pointed to the significance of Kosovo battle; Dignified church manifestation; 50.000 people attended the sermon and gathering afterwards. Knezina, August 13. ... Today, in Knezina near Sokolac, a holy Bishop’s liturgy was held, and Tuzla-Zvornik diocese paid respect to heroes of Kosovo battle. ... It was purely a praying gathering, showing the greatness of Kosovo battle – for freedom and faith of that time. ... Many citizens came to this exclusively religious ceremony carrying flags of SFR Yugoslavia. Understandably, there were flags of the Serb Orthodox Church, and flags of SR Serbia, posters, flags and badges with images of Slobodan Milosevic, Njegos, and Momir Bulatovic. ...“
1989-10-29 21:03:17
Mirko Carić, „Akcija „muslimanskog“ socijalizma“, Nin, Beograd, 18-19
Old bey families run the whole social life (...) having the decisive influence, families that took a prominent role in Ustasha movement during the war (WWII). They have a firm ideological connection to Islamic religious community and they intensely domesticate the apparatus of ruling close to original forms of islammic rule (...) more and more expressed islamization of this area is reflected also through construction activity, opening of new mosques... Expansion of fundamentalism here was brought in its orthodox form from kairo by Ahmed Smailovic, a member of Islamic religious leadership and member of all larger mosque councils in Europe and world.“
1990-03-01 21:03:17
On ecan never forget or allow crimes committed by Ustashas, whose genocide ideology the HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union) tries to revive.
BOSANSKA GRADISKA, 28 February – a normal and honest man cannot accept that the newly formed HDZ from its rally openly and officially advocates reviving the ghosts of the past, changing republic and state borders and claiming territories, even one whole nation. These were the sentiments of the citizens of Bosanska Gradiska, Potkozarje region and Lijevce field, after the general assembly of HDZ and statements of its president Tudjman and other participants in that foul rally ... From all these villages and settlements the message was that Ustasha crimes committed in the area must never be forgotten, for they left behind 13.000 killed men, women and children, thousands of vacant homes and several thousands war orphans. The atrocities of Ustasha camps in Jasenovac, Stara Gradiska, Sisak, Jastrebarsko and other places, cannot be forgotten.“ (Ogorčenje i zabrinutost u Potkozarju, Glas, Banjaluka, 1.3.1990)
1990-03-15 21:03:17
„Ratni zločini nad našim narodom“,
“With the feeling of satisfaction and relaxation we can state that one, to date almost tabu topic, i.e. genocide over Muslims, is finally opened for scientific research and historical, cultural and political judgement. For that we must give credit to Vladimir Dedijer and other authors and associates on this paper (...) that started (...) researching of an important aspect of historical faith of Muslims in our area, that is, a history of negative, negating, genocidal relation of certain groups towards them, but groups and their recidives who with they have to keep on living and finding solutions for mutual relations.
1990-04-03 21:03:17
Stjepan Mesic on proclamation and recognition of the Independent state of Croatia in 1990.
1990-04-12 21:03:17
Franjo Tudjman on the establishment and recognition of the independent state of Croatia in 1990.
1990-06-30 21:03:17
Bosna i njen jezik
“In European scientific world and books published on a Slavic south, but out of Bosnia, there is a continuity of its name and the name of its language ever since the times of its statehoodness, reflecting in fact that traditional-statehood and contemporary-ethnic cultural identity of Bosnia, which existed in European consciousness even after 1463, when it fell under the Ottomans, although the political carriers were the Bosniaks who converted to Islam (...) Muslims of Slavic origin and language continued the tradition of statehoodness of medieval Bosnia, so in ethnic, political and language sense they called themselves Bosniaks.“ (Muhsin Rizvić, „Bosna i njen jezik u izvanbosanskim znanstvenim djelima i književnohistorijskim izvorima“ Bosna i bošnjaštvo, (simpozij održan u Sarajevu 29. i 30. juna 1990. u organizaciji Bošnjačkog instituta iz Ciriha i novina Naši dani), Sarajevo, 1990, 49)
1990-09-01 21:03:17
Hadžem Hajdarević, „Dženaza – sućut i opomena“
“Bestial slaughtering of thousands of Muslims on the banks of Drina river, in villages in Foca, Cajnice, Sandzak regions, was even more bestially silenced. The communist ‘deep freezer’ froze every thought on paying the most elementary respect to innocent victims...,
1990-09-22 21:03:17
Croatia in todays Europe
„... Croatia, geopolitically, belonged to the western civilization, but as a country on the edge, it was exposed not only to ideological, but also to violent influences. Intertwining of those civilizations and contrasts of their forces ona Croatian soil had more negative than positive consequences. ... In the following centuries, however, history did not particularly favor Croats. Pressed between bigger and powerful neighbors: Venice, Hungary and Austria, followed by Hobsburg and Ottoman empires, the Croats could not expand in number or in territories. Cripled by Ottoman conquests from the east, Croats were left only to go in depth and in height. Therefore, it is no wonder that many Croat knights and masters (Counts) were poets, while in Dubrovnik (a Croat city-state), within a gunshot range from the Turkish border – 50 years before  Shakespeare – there was a theatre playing and literature flourishing in Croatian language. For centuries the Croats have been dying with the name of Jesus Christ on their lips – ‘for the honorable cross and golden freedom’ – but not only in the interest of its homeland, but also for the Europe and the whole west, to live and flourish. ...By defending the Europe from Ottoman infestation Croatia deserved an honorable title „Antemurale Christianitatis“. We should mention that at times when the Turks conquered Budapst, ruling it for 145 yars, and seiged Vienna itself, they never conquered Zagreb. Due to their heroism, in the west Croats have became known as the fearless warriors. Not succeeding to defend their national sougvernty in the Hobsburg monarchy in which the initial personal union with the King turned into a real union unfavorable for Croatia, the Croats were the main advocates for creation of a joint state of South Slavs, after the WWI in 1918. Yugoslavia was in the interests of victory forces in the WWI and their Versaille order in Europe, for it fitted into ‘cordon sanitaire’ towards Germany, but also the new threat from the east – Soviet Russia. The Croat people, thus, got the task to defend the Europe and western civilization for the second time in history. However, it soon turned out that the Croats have been sacrificed again. Instead of ideal of freedom, Yugoslavia turned into a nightmare, ‘a peoples’ dungeon’ the Croats wanted to get out from. Serb hegemony over the Croats and other non-Serb nations was the main cause of failure of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the WWII. In history it is hard to find a similar example to assassination of the leader of Croat people (Stjepan Radic and other) in the parliament in Belgrade (in 1928) after which there followed a military-monarhistic dictatorship. Ever since then the major part of Serb political elite has been imagining the Yugoslav state merely as the expanded – great Serbia. In the WWII, Tito managed to renew Yugoslavia, defeating in the anti-fascist war both the Ustasha separatism and Chetnik hegemonism with federalistic program of equality of nations and their right to self-determination till secession. After Tito died, Serb politics has risen against constitutional federalism, trying to support (communist) oe-party system, for the purpose of imposing a centralistic- hegemony order. Croatia, as well as Slovenia, draws conclusion from its overall historical experience. It seeked the way out in a pluralistic democracy and demanded redefinition of relations between the Yugoslav nations on the confederative basis, as a union of sougvern republics. “ Croatia in todays Europe (a lecture held in Yale University on 22 Sep. 1990, Dr Franjo Tudjman, President of the Republic of Croatia)