this timeline give an overview about the definition and the historical of Computer assisted language learning in timeline from past, now, and present.
1960-01-01 00:00:00
The Definition of CALL
The abbreviation CALL stands for Computer Assisted Language Learning. It is a term used by teachers and students to describe the use of computers as part of a language course. (Hardisty & Windeatt: 1989).
1960-10-01 00:00:00
The History of CALL
Computer -assisted language learning (CALL) is not a new development in language teaching, as it has been used since the 1960s and 70s. . Computers have been used for language teaching for more than three decades. Each stage corresponds to a certain pedagogical approach.
1960-10-01 00:00:00
1.Behaviourist (1960’s-1970’s) Phase
Enter story info hereThe development of CALL is devided into three distinct phases according to (Warschauer, 1996): 1.Behaviourist (1960’s-1970’s) Behaviourist CALL was implemented in the 1960’s and 70’s, when the Audio-lingual method was mostly used, and provided students with drills and practice. This model used the computer as a tutor, presenting drills and non-judgemental feedback.
1970-01-01 00:00:00
2.Communicative (1970’s-1980’s)
-View of language: Cognitive -English teaching paradigm: Communicative language teaching -Principle use of computers: Communicative exercises -Principal objective: Fluency
1970-01-01 00:00:00
3.Integrative (1990’s-present)
-View of language: Sociocognitive -English teaching paradigm: Content-based. -Principle use of computers: Authentic discourse -Principal objective: Agency -types: Multimedia CALL (CD-ROMs) and Web-based CALL (CMC & Internet)