Prepare for Success

2007-04-16 20:11:41

Feasibility Study for UKCISA

2008-01-16 13:12:48

Awarded PMI funding

2008-07-16 22:43:54

Learning resources developed and website launch!

2009-07-16 22:43:54

Study pathways and browsable FAQ

2010-02-16 13:12:48

PfS on Facebook & Twitter; first evaluation; promotion & dissemination

2011-07-16 22:43:54

FAQ for FE, research into student & institutional use

2012-07-16 22:43:54

Half million visits from 214 countries (PIE NEWS)

2012-09-16 12:41:16

PfS on Chinese social media

2013-10-16 22:43:54

Video upgrade to HTML5; optimisation for mobile & tablet

2014-03-16 15:48:13

PfS blog launched

2014-11-16 22:43:54

One million visits recorded from 227 countries

2015-10-16 15:33:02

c.1.3 million visits from 232 countries and rising…

Prepare for Success

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