2 ESO History

Este trabajo es para la asignatura de ciencias sociales de IES Grupo Cántco

0476-09-04 00:00:00

Carlos V abdica

Carlos V enfermo y cansado decide abdicar en su hijo Felipe y su hermano Fernando.

0711-07-19 00:00:00

Batalla de Guadelete

Supuso la derrota del ejército visigodo y el inicio de la conquista árabe de la península ibérica.

0711-07-19 00:00:00

Batalla de Guadalate

Supuso la derrota del ejército visigodo y el inicio de la conquista árabe de la península ibérica

0711-07-19 00:00:00

La batallas de Guadalete

Supuso la derrota del ejercicio visigodo y el inicio de la conquista árabe de la península Iberica

0756-03-16 00:00:00

Abderraman I se convierte en emir

Es la primera vez que una parte del imperio árabe se declara independiente del califa

0756-03-16 00:00:00

Abderramán I se convierte en emir

 Es la primera vez que una parte del imperio árabe se declara independiente del Califa.

0929-01-13 00:00:00

Los almorávides invaden la península ibérica

Los almorávides invaden la península ibérica

0929-01-13 00:00:00

Reinos de Taifa

El año en que Hisham III es depuesto como califa cordobés marca el inicio de una etapa de desunión entre los reinos musulmanes.

0929-01-13 00:00:00

Almanzor toma el poder

Tras la muerte de Alhaken II su hijo y heredero Hisham II tenia 9 años por lo que necesitaba de un tutor que le ayudase a reinar. Almanzor se convertirá en chambelán del califato, y posteriormente en caudillo de Al-Andalus.

0929-01-13 00:00:00

Nace Alhaken II

Durante su reinado se realizó su más bella ampliación de la Mezquita Aljama de Córdoba

0929-01-16 00:00:00

almorávides invaden la península ibérica

Los almorávides invaden la península ibérica

0929-01-16 00:00:00

Reinos de Taifas

El año en que Hisham III es depuesto como califa cordobés marca el inicio de una etapa de desunión entre los reinos musulmanes

0929-01-16 00:00:00

Nace Alhaken II 

Durante su reinado se realizó la más bella ampliación de la Mezquita Aljama de Córdoba

0929-01-16 00:00:00

Abderramán III se proclama

El primer califa Omeya de Al-Andalus declara la ruptura con el califato Abbasí.

0929-01-16 00:00:00

Abderramán III se proclama califa

El primer califa Omeya Al-Andalus declara la ruptura con el califato Abbasi

1212-07-16 00:00:00

Almanzor toma el poder

Tras la muerte de Alhaken II, su hijo y heredero Hisham II tenia 9 años por lo que necesitaba de un tutor que le ayudase a reinar. Almanzor se convertirá en chambelán del califato, y posteriormente en caudillo de Al-Andalus. 

1212-07-16 00:00:00

"Llora como mujer lo que no supiste defender como hombre"

Aixa dedicó esta frase a su hijo Boabdil, el último sultán del reino nazarí de Granada.

1212-07-16 00:00:00

Navas de Tolosa

Esta batalla marca el final del Imperio Almohade

1494-11-06 00:00:00

Solimán el Magnífico

Turks posed a constant threat in the Mediterranean and along the eastern border of the Holy Roman Empire

1500-02-24 00:00:00

Carlos V Born ion flandes

Carlos V was son of Philip the hadsome and Juanna crazy his mother gave birth in the toilet

1515-01-01 03:08:19

François I de Francia

It was the great rival of Carlos V. Le disputed the imperial crown and was at war with him

1518-07-29 01:13:44

Se corona rey de Castilla, Navarra y Aragón

After the death of Isabel the Castólica the crown passed to his daughter Juana. Fernando the Cátolico the king of Castile will now Philip the Handsome and concentrates on being the king of Aragon. Philip the Fair dying crazy Juana and her father holds in Tordesillas. Fernando castilla rule while Carlos is a child. fernando dying, carlos is called by the Cardinal Cisneros fernando Carlos is called by Cisneros Cardinal to the throne of Castile and Aragon. Queen is actually his mother Juana but who will rule in his name.

1518-10-23 00:00:00

Se corona emperador

Was crowned emperor in Aquisgrán, in the same place where he was buried the first of the German emperors, the great Carlomagno, and also where the throne in which all the emperors were sitting after he was elected.

1519-01-12 00:00:00

Muerte de Maximiliano i

The death of his paternal grandfather, Carlos inherits the house of Austria and the right to choose the title of Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

1521-04-23 00:00:00

Batalla de Villalar

Castilians at first did nothing, so the rebellion seemed likely to succeed. But in the end, they decided to support the king, so the villagers lost the war. The turning point was in the battle of Villalar (Valladolid), the leaders of the revolt being captured: Bravo, Juan de Padilla and Madonado.

1521-04-24 00:00:00

Rebelion de las Comunidades

The principal Castilian cities revolted against Carlos V because the king had divided government charges between foreign and established new taxes that harmed, especially the bourgeois (townsmen)

1522-01-28 03:08:19

Dieta de Worms

A meeting was held in Worms (Germany) where the young Emperor Charles V met with Martin Lutero to recant of SUSB writings against the Catholic Church

1547-04-24 03:08:19

Batalla de Muhlberg

The Lutheran Reformation was causing division within the Holy Roman Empire as more and more princes were defying the imperial authority. Carlos had the dream of being an authoritarian monarch as was his grandmother Isabel Castilla, but the German princes were unwilling to lose its power, so prostentantes to be hicieros, so the emperor and break his dream of a world region and a king. While Carlos consigió a great victory at Muhlberg, Emperor ended up signing a truce in which it allowed each German prince could choose the religion of their territory.

1555-10-25 00:00:00

Las abdicaciones de Bruselas

After so many wars and conflicts, Carlos decides to retire and forget his dream of a great Christian empire. the Holy Roman Empire is inherited by his brother Fernan Habsburg, and espeñola crown to his son Felipe II

2 ESO History

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