U.S. constitution and bill of rights
The bill of rights was added to the constitution later to guarantee us certain rights.
1775-03-01 00:00:00
Haylee Humes
1775-05-25 00:00:00
Revolutionary War Begins. How does it begin?
1776-05-25 00:00:00
Declaration of Independence written and approved by Continental congress. Who was on the Continental Congress?
1781-03-01 00:00:00
Revolutionary War ends, Continental congress is replaced by the Congress of Confederation which forms the basis of the new U.S. government. The Continental Congress agrees on the Articles of Confederation. What are the Articles of Confederation?
1783-03-01 00:00:00
Britain recognizes the independence of the U.S.A. How did they do this?
1787-05-25 03:08:55
The U.S. constitution written at the Constitutional convention in Philadelphia, PA. Who helped write the Constitution?
1788-06-22 03:08:55
The U.S. constitution is ratified by 9 states an becomes supreme law of the U.S.A. Which 9 states ratified it first? When would the Senate meet for the first time?
1789-06-22 03:08:55
George Washington elected first president of the U.S.A. When did the first congress meet? What is the Bill of Rights?
1790-06-22 03:08:55
The first Supreme court assembled. Where did they meet? The U.S. capitol was moved to where in Dec. 1790?
1791-06-22 03:08:55
The Bill of Rights added to the Constitution. What is covered in the Bill of Rights?
1800-12-29 08:05:26
The U.S. capitol moves to Washington, District of Columbia.
1802-12-29 08:05:26
Marbury vs. Madison- the first time that the court found that a law was unconstitutional. Who was Chief Justice at this time?
1833-12-29 08:05:26
Supreme court rules, in Barron vs. Baltimore, that the Bill of Rights applies only to the U.S. government and not to states.
1861-12-29 08:05:26
Abraham Lincoln is elected president. The Civil War begins. Where did the Civil War start?
1865-12-06 08:05:26
Lincoln was assassinated and Amendment 13 was ratified. What does the 13th amendment cover? Civil war ends. How did it end? What are the 13th-15th amendments called?
1868-07-09 08:05:26
Amendment 14 is ratified. What is amendment 14 about?
1870-03-03 08:05:26
Amendment 15 ratified. What does this amendment say and who is not mentioned in the amendment?
1896-03-03 08:05:26
In the court case Plessy vs. Ferguson, the Supreme Court says racial segregation does not violate the 14th amendment.
1913-03-03 08:05:26
Income tax begins. What amendment is about income tax?
1919-01-16 08:05:26
In the court case Schenck vs. U.S., the court upholds espionage act. The 18th amendment is ratified. What is the espionage act? What is the 18th amendment about?
1920-01-16 08:05:26
Women are given the right to vote. What amendment does this?
1933-12-05 08:05:26
The 18th amendment is appealed. the 21st amendment is ratified. Were there any other amendments appealed? What did the 21st amendment end?
1941-12-21 08:05:26
Pearl Harbor is bombed. The Constitution is sent to Fort Knox for safekeeping until the war is over. Who bombed Pearl Harbor and why?"
1943-12-21 08:05:26
The supreme court ruled that students can refuse to salute the flag under the 1st amendment. Which case had this outcome?
1954-12-21 08:05:26
In the court case Brown vs. Board of Education, the court rules the 14th amendment outlaws segregation.
1971-12-21 08:05:26
Amendment 26 lowers the voting age to 18.
1972-12-21 08:05:26
The court rules wiretapping is a "search" that is covered in the 4th amendment.
1992-05-27 08:05:26
Amendment 27 is ratified. it failed when it was first presented as part of the bill of rights in 1789. What is amendment 27 about?