Zhang Yixing 张艺兴

Also known as Unicorn. Leader-troll. Perfectly-mannered. Stealer of hearts. The last term is particularly true, because it's happened to me. I think, maybe, it's because Zhang Yixing is just someone you can't help but fall a little (or a lot) in love with. I originally made this for myself because I wanted a timeline, but...idk I might as well share it because other people might be interested in a timeline with all the videos, pictures, and translations gathered into one place, right? So here it is, and here's to spreading the love!

Each of these posts either have translated articles, links to English subbed videos, or pictures. Just click on 'More' to see!;xNLx;;xNLx;Rebloggable on tumblr here: http://fenshen.tumblr.com/post/27975767961/zhang-yixing-exo-ms-lay-interactive-timeline;xNLx;;xNLx;Basic Profile;xNLx;;xNLx;Name: Zhang Yixing; Lay;xNLx;Nickname: Xing Tuo;xNLx;Place of birth: Changsha, Hunan;xNLx;Astrological sign: Libra;xNLx;Blood type: A;xNLx;D.O.B: 1991/10/7;xNLx;Height: 179cm;xNLx;Weight: 60kg;xNLx;Interests: Playing on the computer;xNLx;Languages: Chinese, Korean;xNLx;;xNLx;This timeline spans from pre-debut to his current activities, and it'll be updated as more stuff gets released. It's quite messy, because obviously I can't find the exact dates for a lot of things but I hope that the pre-debut timeline will sort itself out gradually ;_____;;xNLx;;xNLx;If there's anything that's wrong or needs to be corrected (e.g. all the uncertain dates, missing credits), or you have anything to add (especially translations) please do tell me! :3;xNLx;;xNLx;Contact: halcyondusk@livejournal or hornylay@twitter;xNLx;;xNLx;Special love to fenshen@tumblr for rolling around with me and deciphering dates. And reuploading everything from Tudou to YT for me. AND LIKE DOING ALL THE TRANSLATIONS. I LOVE YOU 分身.

1991-10-07 00:13:54

Zhang Yixing was born!

Zhang Yixing (张艺兴) was born, in Hunan Changsha. His birth name was 张加帅 (Zhang Jiashuai) which basically means Zhang Become-more-handsome. Oh, trolly parents. Guess that's where he inherited it from, but hey, I guess the name worked :3

2000-01-01 00:00:00

音乐不断林志颖歌友会 - Don't Stop the Music Jimmy Lin's Fanclub Meeting

DATE UNCERTAIN. First TV appearance in 2000. As a fanclub member of actor/singer Jimmy Lin.

2003-12-11 00:35:51

Blog Post - Happy Times

Happy Times

2004-01-01 19:49:39

Blog Posts (Compilation) for 2004

DATES UNCERTAIN. Blog post compilation for 2004

2005-01-01 23:21:21

想说心里的话给你听 - I Want to Tell You the Things in My Heart

DATE UNCERTAIN. It was sometime in 2005 though, probably after he placed 3rd in Star Academy.

2005-03-11 09:40:47

Yixing Performing Chinese Opera

Singing at Hunan Normal University High School. The source said 2008 March 11th but because this was for 100th anniversary, it should be 2005.

2005-05-24 09:40:47

明星学院 - Star Academy

Went on TV program Star Academy. This is his profile.

2005-06-01 12:52:09

Star Academy Performance

DATE UNCERTAIN. Singing Wang Lee Hom's song 'Astrology'.

2005-06-28 22:24:44

Children's Day

Story about celebrating for Yixing, the 'youngest' of the cast of Star Academy

2005-07-01 02:22:00

Star Academy Group Performance

DATE UNCERTAIN. Star Academy theme song opening performance.

2005-07-01 03:19:34

天籁之声 - The Sound of Heaven

DATE UNCERTAIN. Promoting the recording studio 天籁之声 or something to that extent.

2005-07-01 15:17:00

Learning Piano

DATE UNCERTAIN. This is at 天籁之声 (Sound of Heaven) which is the recording studio/music school place.

2005-07-10 13:38:33

Yixing in Recording Studio

DATE UNCERTAIN. He was with cast members of Star Academy, recording a Chinese version of I Love Rock and Roll (Yes, I Do) broadcasted July 17th

2005-07-10 13:38:33

Promoting 天籁之声 (The Sound of Heaven)

DATE UNCERTAIN. With other contestants in Star Academy. Probably a sponsor of the program.

2005-07-17 22:24:44

Star Academy Performance

Singing "Yes, I Do" aka Chinese version of I Love Rock and Roll. With the rest of Star Academy cast.

2005-07-22 04:15:47

Fun4娱乐 (Fun4Entertainment) Interview - Star Academy

Eng subbed. This was July 22nd 2005 and not in 2004 as the video title says.

2005-07-23 00:35:51

越策越开心 - Yue Talk Yue Happy

After Star Academy. Went on TV performing Chinese Opera + Xiao Ping

2005-07-31 04:15:47

Star Academy Performance

DATE UNCERTAIN. Singing Cyndi Wang's 'I Love You'.

2005-08-01 04:15:47

Star Academy Photos

Collection of photos from Yixing's appearance on Star Academy.

2005-08-28 04:15:47

Ancient Chinese Drama Parody

DATE UNCERTAIN. Probably after his stint on Star Academy. Part of 'Chinese Odyssey'. This is cracktastic.

2006-01-01 00:35:51

娜可不一样 - That's Something Different

DATE UNCERTAIN. But it was before Jan 16th. Appeared on show 'That's Something Different' after being away from screen after Star Academy.

2006-06-05 12:52:09

The Duke of Mount Deer

Story about auditioning for a drama, and another one about leaving the show and shaving his head

2006-12-22 02:22:00

音浪 - Soundwave (Rapping)

He was in 9th grade, and this was at Hunan Normal University High School - 21st School Arts Performance Festival.

2007-04-20 15:17:00

Popping Dances

DATE UNCERTAIN. (Watch him do a jerking-off move in the first video and kick a curtain trying to freeze in the second n__n)

2007-04-20 15:17:00

Playing Guitar...Shirtless

DATE UNCERTAIN. Yixing I do not understand why you are shirtless. Please do not do this to me.

2007-07-15 00:35:51


Thank you everyone

2007-10-04 00:35:51

TIEBA Post - Fans

I've come back to see you~ My dear fans

2007-10-14 02:22:00

Wu Fan Joins SM

S.M. Global Audition Vancouver 2007. Audition on October 14th.

2008-05-01 09:40:47

Yixing Joins SM

Yixing joins SM. He says he auditioned in Wuhan in May and joined then. Through 'casting' whatever that means.

2008-11-01 16:39:11

Minseok Joins SM

DATE UNCERTAIN. Placed second in 2008 Everysing Contest, after Jinho.

2009-06-01 09:40:47

Nobody + Dance Battle

DATE UNCERTAIN. Danced to Nobody in a dance battle show at Hunan Normal University High School and freestyled.

2009-07-31 00:35:51

TVXQ Lawsuit

Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu file a lawsuit against SM.

2009-12-21 23:21:21

Han Geng Lawsuit

Han Geng files lawsuit against SM.

2010-01-01 02:22:00

A bunch of songs he wrote in 2010

Three songs: 泪水机场 (Tears Airport), 想你想你 (Thinking of You) and My Girl

2010-04-01 03:31:31

Lu Han joins SM

DATE UNCERTAIN. Either in 2008 or in April 2010. Scouted at Myeongdong, asked to audition for SM Casting System.

2010-04-11 23:21:21

光荣 - Guang Rong

Performed 'Guang Rong' onstage for his high school 湖南师范大学附属中学 (Hunan Normal University High School)'s 105th anniversary.

2010-10-13 00:35:51

Jonghyun is Injured

Jonghyun was injured in Indonesia, pulling ligaments and twisting his ankle. Yixing would've been called to fill in for him.

2010-11-16 00:35:51

TIEBA Post - Worked Hard

Everyone has worked hard

2010-11-16 02:22:00

Japanese TV Coverage

SM Entertainment was covered by a Japanese program, and Yixing was shown in the video dancing

2010-12-01 03:31:31

Zitao Joins SM

DATE UNCERTAIN. Joined from a contest held in Qingdao.

2010-12-11 00:35:51

TIEBA Post - Making ID

No subject

2010-12-13 12:23:12

RenRen Post - Yixing is Lonly

Yixing is feeling very lonly. Lu Han decides to troll. 你蛋疼不?

2010-12-26 09:40:47

SHINee World Concert

Danced in place of Jonghyun for the SHINee World Concert Tour (Tokyo, Korea...? Not sure how many he was in.)

2011-01-03 08:13:03

SHINee Thanking Yixing

After the Korean concert, thanking Yixing for filling in for Jonghyun

2011-03-25 08:13:03

张艺兴原创〈自己的舞台〉- Zhang Yixing Original "My Own Stage"

I think this is a song that Yixing wrote. Except...there are no audio files of it, just a transcription of the lyrics.

2011-05-25 09:40:47

Walking Across the Road

This is totally important enough. With Kris, Lu Han, Xiumin, Tao.

2011-06-01 03:31:31

Jongdae Joins SM

DATE UNCERTAIN. Last of the members to join.

2011-08-21 00:35:51

TIEBA Post - Thanks

Thanks, everyone...

2011-10-07 06:52:36

Yixing's Birthday XingPark Recount

Front-line birthday support project fan-account. Recommended read! Yixing is the sweetest.

2011-10-14 04:36:38

Rumours of EXO's Debut

Lee Soo Man talks about SM's strategies, and drops hints about EXO's debut

Zhang Yixing 张艺兴

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