Harry Potter

Here you'll see all the release dates of the books and the films of the books.

Harry Potter

1997-06-30 00:00:00

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone

There is the first book of the saga of Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling.

1998-07-02 12:26:08

Harry Potter and the chamber of sectrets

Is the secon book of the saga and we discover in this book the secret chamber that in the inside lives the basilisk.

1999-07-08 10:12:14

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban.

This is the third book of the saga, and in this book we discover the godfather of Harry.

2000-07-08 06:48:00

Harry Potter and the goblet of fire

In this fourth book they play the games of the cup of the three mages. And Voldemort resurrects.

2003-06-21 13:09:20

Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix

This fifth book is the longest book of the saga, and there an important prophecy concerning Harry and Voldemort is revealed.

2005-07-16 23:00:15

Harry Potter and the half-blood prince

In this sixth book are revelated a lot of things of Severus Snape, and he kills Dumbledore.

2007-07-21 23:13:49

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

This seventh and last book of the saga was divided in two parts, only in film. There we understand the hallows and Voldemort dies.

Harry Potter

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