History of Down Syndrome - Medical Care & Research

A timeline that shows changes in medical care and research related to Down Syndrome.

The Global Down Syndrome Foundation is a public non-profit 501(c)(3) dedicated to significantly improving the lives of people with Down syndrome through Research, Medical care, Education and Advocacy. Formally established in 2009, the Foundation’s primary focus is to support the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, the first academic home in the United States committed solely to research and medical care for people with Down syndrome. Since Down syndrome is the least-funded genetic condition in the United States, fundraising and government advocacy to correct the alarming disparity of national funding for people with Down syndrome is a major goal.

1838-07-01 00:00:00

First document describes people with intellectual and developmental disabilities

1866-01-01 00:00:00

Down first uses the term "mongoloid"

1876-10-28 05:48:23

"Premature senility" linked to Down syndrome

1929-05-01 00:00:00

Life expectancy only 9 years old

1932-05-01 00:00:00

Non-disjunction suggested cause of Down syndrome

1946-05-01 00:00:00

Spock suggests institutionalization

1948-08-09 00:40:24

Association between Alzheimer's and Down syndrome

1950-08-09 00:40:24

Amniocentesis developed

1959-08-09 00:40:24

Chromosomal abnormality discovered

1960-08-09 00:40:24

First amniocentesis is used

1961-08-09 00:40:24

Discovery of a type of Trisomy 21 called Mosaicism

1965-08-09 00:40:24

WHO accepts the name Down syndrome as standard

1968-08-09 00:40:24

Down syndrome first detected using amniocentesis

1970-01-01 00:40:24

Life expectancy of someone with Down syndrome is only 25 years old.

1974-08-09 00:40:24

First Mouse Model of Down Syndrome Created

1975-08-09 00:40:24

New model for studying trisomy published

1976-08-09 00:40:24

Amnios become more common

1978-08-09 00:40:24

OB fails to refer older patient for amnio

1979-08-09 00:40:24

Research on the impact of stimulation

1980-08-09 00:40:24

Ts16 proposed as model for studying Down Syndrome

1981-08-09 00:40:24

Down Syndrome Preventative Medical Checklist Published

1983-08-09 00:40:24

Women over 35 offered prenatal testing

1984-08-09 00:40:24

Researchers identify biochemical markers associated with Down syndrome

1986-08-09 00:40:24

Epstein publishes book on studying Down syndrome

1987-08-09 00:40:24

Gene associated with Alzheimer’s discovered

1989-08-09 00:40:24

Groups attempt to define a minimal region of chromosome HSA21

1990-08-09 00:40:24

New mouse research model developed

1992-08-09 00:40:24

First comprehensive adult clinic sees patients

1994-08-09 00:40:24

CDC Announces prevalence of Down syndrome

1995-08-09 00:40:24

Healthcare Management Guidelines Created

1996-08-09 00:40:24

Information about comorbidities is published

1997-08-09 00:40:24

First book on gross motor skills published

1999-08-09 00:40:24

Preventative Medical Checklist Revised

2000-08-09 00:40:24

Scientists map smallest human chromosome,

2001-08-09 00:40:24

Guidelines assist doctors with ongoing healthcare needs of adults

2002-08-09 00:40:24

Down Syndrome Research Funding Cut

2003-08-09 00:40:24

NIH Funding for Down Syndrome is Miniscule

2004-08-09 00:40:24

NIH Funding for Down Syndrome Research Falls

2005-08-09 00:40:24

Breakthrough Research Initiative Summit

2006-08-09 00:40:24

Down syndrome becomes least funded major genetic condition

2007-08-09 00:40:24

NIH issues new research plan

2008-08-09 00:40:24

First academic home for Down syndrome created

2009-08-09 00:40:24

Prevalence of Down syndrome is increasing

2010-08-09 00:40:24

Sie Center for Down Syndrome opens its doors to patients

2011-08-09 00:40:24

NIH forms Down Syndrome Consortium

2012-08-09 00:40:24

Prenatal testing pamphlet published for pregnant women

History of Down Syndrome - Medical Care & Research

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