Kurt Hahn

This timeline should be used in conjunction with my stand-alone podcast about Kurt Hahn. Here's a link https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/teacher-talk/id978086775

References:;xNLx;;xNLx;“About UWC.” UWC. United World Collages, n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2015.;xNLx;“A powerful force for good since 1961: Over 50 Years of Outward Bound in the U.S.”;xNLx;Outward Bound. Outward Bound, 2015. Web. 03 Mar. 2015.;xNLx;Cults. (2011). Go outside. On Cults. New York: In the Name of.;xNLx;“Engaging Students to Improve Environmental and Outdoor Education.” Homeroom:;xNLx;The official blog of the U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from;xNLx;http://www.ed.gov/blog/2014/02/engaging-students-to-improve- environmental-and-outdoor-education/;xNLx;Kurt Hahn [Online Image]. Retrieved March 15, 2015 from;xNLx;http://www.caronoceandrive.org/ropes-course/;xNLx;Matthews, B. E. (1994). Multicultural education: The role of organized camping. The;xNLx;Camping Magazine, 67 (1), 28-31.;xNLx;“Mission.” Downtown Denver Expeditionary School. Retrieved from;xNLx;http://www.ddeschool.org/about-us-2/mission-vision/;xNLx;Pacey, A. (1990). Technology in world civilization: A thousand year history.;xNLx;Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.;xNLx;Satee, G. (2013). What is innovation? Innovation Excellence. Retrieved from;xNLx;http://www.innovationexcellence.com/blog/2013/04/14/what-is-innovation-2/;xNLx;Veevers, N., & Allison, P. (2011). Kurt Hahn: Inspirational, visionary, outdoor and;xNLx;experiential educator. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.;xNLx;Wagner, T. (2012). Creating innovators: The making of young people who will change;xNLx;the world. New York: Simon and Schuster. ;xNLx;

1886-06-05 00:00:00

Hahn's Birth

Kurt Hahn is born in Berlin to Jewish parents, Oscar Hahn and Hahn Charlotte (nee Landau).

1920-04-21 00:00:00

Salem School

Hahn founded the Salem School in a castle in the state of Bden, in southern Germany. The school expanded to include four other "branches". The school was effectively shut down on March 11, 1933 when Hahn was arrested for speaking out against the Nazis. Shortly after which, he fled to Britain.

1920-09-01 00:00:00

German Sports Badge

Shortly after the WWI, Germany instituted a this "scheme" where participants chose a sporting event from one of five sections, and they earned a badge when they reached a set of standards within a year. Originally it was only open to boys, eventually girls were allowed to participate. Hahn viewed this scheme as an inspiration to the badge schemes that he used at both Salem and Gordonstoun, which eventually influenced Outward Bound.

1920-09-08 00:00:00

Marina Ewald

Marina was a co-founder of Salem, collaborator on the Finnish Expedition, ran Salem after the end of WWII

1923-09-04 21:57:12

Intellectual, spiritual, practical activities

After the WWI, athletics and sports gained an increasingly significant role in German education. Based on the views of Wilhelm Schmidle, Salem's then-Director of Studies, Hahn discovered the importance of "expedition tests" that included bicycle tours, overnight camping, and geological excursions that involved trekking up and down the hillsides.

1923-09-05 23:02:43

Wilhelm Schmidle

Showed Hahn the importance of using expeditions to develop "all around character" in ways that athletic sports could not. One day Salem faced off against their rival school Biberstein. Despite having the home field advantage, Salem lost and Biberstein displayed what Schmidle considered "excessive fuss". The next day, Schmidle took the boys from both teams on an excursion of the local hillsides. Although Schmidle was 70 years old, the adolescent "athletes" were unable to keep up.

1925-07-01 00:00:00

Finnish Expedition

The Finnish Expedition took place during the summer of 1925. It was led by Marina Ewald and Otto Baumann, two teachers from Salem. They took 20 students on an expedition from the school on a four week sailing expedition to Salem. According to Ewald, "[b]ecause of its success, Kurt Hahn therefore attached the greatest importance to expeditions carefully planned beforehand and carried out with endurance. They have become an essential part of his educational programme" (Ewald, 1970, p. 34; as cited in Veevers & Allison, 2011, p. 11). After this expedition, Hahn began to incorporate sailing into his educational programs.

1933-07-12 00:00:00

Arrival in Britain

Hahn arrives in England, begins teaching again in the fall, continues to receive support from people in Germany, such as Marina Ewald.

1933-09-05 23:02:43

Ka Arnold-Forster

Ka helped Hahn when he was imprisoned in Germany, shortly before his exile. After he arrived in Britain, Ka encouraged Hahn to demonstrate his system of education developed at Salem.

1934-09-01 00:00:00

Gordonstoun School

Hahn opens the Gordonstoun School, originally in Moray, Scotland. The location was chosen due to its proximity to both the sea and the mountains. In 1940, in the early days of the second world war, Gordonstoun was forced to relocate to Wales. This was partially to protect children at the school and partly due to concern over Hahn's German heritage.

1936-03-24 00:00:00

Gordonstoun/Moray Badge

The Gordonstoun Badge was based on the German Sports Badge but modified for British students. The badge scheme was open to all youths from the surrounding town. The badge became known as the Moray Badge shortly after its creation. This badge presented two sets of standards, one that was "within the reach of the normal boy" and one that was only within the reach of those who excelled. The badge scheme also included expedition tests in walking, climbing, animal-watching, exploring, sailing and riding.

1937-09-07 21:57:12

Lawrence Holt

Sponsored Gordonstoun students, owned shipping company that maintained vessels used by the school, co-created "sea school" with Hahn, promoted Outward Bound to Norwood Report committee members.

1938-01-04 00:00:00

Training Centers

Hahn first made reference to training centers that would be implemented by Gordonston. These training centers were intended to prepare adolescents to operate sea-going vessels owned by the school. The centers were also intended to own and keep horses and, in general, further the development of the Moray Badge Scheme.

1938-07-16 21:57:12

Scottish Summer Courses

These two-week long courses took place in Scotland over the course of two summers. There were expeditions for boys and girls. The courses were based on the Moray Badge scheme. Hahn considered these courses to be the "first Outward Bound experiment".

1940-08-14 21:57:12

Welsh Summer School

This course was similar to its Scottish predecessor. However, it took part in a markedly different context, as Britain had official entered WWII. The course was more militaristic in nature. The only participants were boys, who were divided into three groups and competed with one another. At this course, Hahn first met James Hogan, who would go on to serve as Warden of Outward Bound Aberdovey.

1940-09-02 00:00:00

James Hogan

James Hogan was an educator and early adopter of the badge scheme. He was impressed with Hahn's approach to outdoor education, he introduced Hahn to Lawrence Holt, Hogan was Warden of Outward Bound Aberdovey.

1941-08-05 21:57:12

Prince Louis' Voyage

During this voyage, ten Gordonstoun students sailed from Scotland to Wales on the Prince Louis. Hahn and Lawrence Holt met the ship at its destination in Wales. They decided to start a "sea school" that would become Outward Bound.

1941-08-05 21:57:12

Outward Bound Founded

As a result of the voyage of the Prince Louis, Hahn and others decide to establish Outward Bound. A program based on Hahn's experiences with various educational outdoor activities and badge schemes. Outward Bound currently operates 40 schools, serving 70,000 students annually.

1944-10-02 21:57:12

Norwood Report & Education Act 1944

A committee of education experts in Britain had been appointed to consider changes in the national curriculum for secondary schools. The committee argued in favor of including outdoor education, based - in part - on the success of the badge schemes that Hahn had advocated. This report influenced that Education Act of 1944 which called for a Local Education Authority to "establish, maintain and manage or assist the establishment, maintenance and management of camps, holiday classes, playing fields, play centres and other places, and may organise games, expeditions and other activities".

Kurt Hahn

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