Established in 2005, the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium is an international, collaborative consortium, bringing together wheat growers, plant scientists, and public and private breeders. The vision of the IWGSC is a high quality genome sequence of bread wheat that serves as a foundation for the accelerated development of improved varieties and that empowers all aspects of basic and applied wheat science.
This timeline is a look back at the hard work and collaborative efforts that made what was called "an impossible challenge" possible.
2002-06-02 20:35:26
ITMI, Winnipeg
First discussion of wheat genome sequencing
2003-11-04 21:22:55
Senator Roberts support
Support letter from United States senator Pat Roberts
2003-11-10 20:35:26
Wheat genome sequencing workshop in Washington
Pointed the way.
2004-09-01 00:22:56
1st BAC library - 3B
Safar et al., The Plant Journal 39, 960–968 Dissecting large and complex genomes: flow sorting and BAC cloning of individual chromosomes from bread wheat.
2004-09-08 22:44:40
Let's do 3B
Catherine to Jaroslav: "I believe we can do it with chromosome BAC libraries for 2003 sequencing!"
2004-10-06 22:44:40
Wheat genome sequencing workshop report published
Gill BS, Appels R, Botha-Oberholster A-M, Buell CR, Bennetzen JL, Chalhoub B, Chumley F, Dvorak J, Iwanaga M, Keller B, Li W, McCombie WR, Ogihara Y, Quetier F, and Sasaki T. 2004. A workshop report on wheat genome sequencing. The International Genome Research on Wheat Consortium. Genetics 168:1087-1096.
2004-11-01 10:13:08
Kellye Eversole hired to lead effort
Kansas Wheat Commission and Kansas State University hire K. Eversole to set up a consortium.
2005-01-15 10:12:44
First exploratory meeting
First meeting at PAG 2005 to discuss strategies for sequencing the wheat genome
2005-01-15 10:13:08
PAG 2005: First Meeting with Kellye Eversole
Wow! Who's that girl? OMG! Catherine Feuillet is there too!
2005-02-01 00:00:00
Don't do it!
Recognizing the problem - "how can we sequence a 17Gb hexaploid?"
2005-02-01 10:13:08
Birth of the IWGSC
2 sponsors, 3 institutes, 3 countries, 5 members
2005-05-30 10:12:44
First contribution
First contribution to the wheat genome sequencing: 4$
2005-05-30 20:35:26
First IWGSC meeting
The first business meeting of the IWGSC was held in conjunction with the International Triticeae Mapping Initiative (ITMI) summer workshop in Bozeman, MT, USA, 29-31 May 2005. At this meeting, the white paper and the organizational documents were approved.
2005-07-04 20:35:26
Roll-out of IWGSC at INRA in Paris
2005-07-04 20:35:26
1st trip to Clermont-Ferrand
Kellye meets with the team at INRA
2005-07-10 20:35:26
Meeting in Paris
With INRA and Genoscope
2005-07-12 20:35:26
First meeting with EU Commission
2005-09-15 20:35:26
1st meeting in EU
1st meeting in EU for establishing COST action & ultimately TriticeaeGenome project - Amsterdam
2005-10-04 10:13:08
Gene & QTL mapping for important traits
2005-11-23 00:00:00
Travelling to growers meetings in Kansas and Nebraska
Planting the seed of what is the next big thing!
2006-01-15 20:35:26
Women in wheat join the women in genomics group
Great idea
2006-06-07 20:35:26
1st Radiation Hybrid Maps
High-Resolution Radiation Hybrid Map of Wheat Chromosome 1D. Kalavacharla et al., Genetics. 2006 Jun; 173(2): 1089–1099.
2006-08-08 20:35:26
Sr2 sequencing
Sr2 sequencing - allocation of 3B BAC - Rudi received from Catherine
2006-08-08 20:35:26
IWGSC workshop at ITMI
Victor Harbour, Australia
2006-08-09 20:35:26
IWGSC roadmap
Finalized in Victor Harbour, Australia at IWGSC business meeting
2006-09-01 20:35:26
I didn't realize that the wheat genome was so big!
So many BAC clones to store in the freezers!
2006-11-01 20:35:26
ISBP - Sanger Sequencing
2007-04-02 20:35:26
I am hired by Cathy Feuillet!
2007-04-16 20:35:26
ITMI Conference, Tiberias, Israel
First time all 6 co-chairs are at same meeting - Tiberias, Israel
2007-04-16 20:35:26
Chromosome genomics laboratory opens in Olomouc
Thanks to visit of Forest Chumley
2008-03-01 20:35:26
Pools, pools, and pools again!
2008-03-03 20:35:26
Jaroslav's group sent CNRGV the first library
Chromosome 3B library
2008-06-10 20:35:26
Dreams are coming true with the IWGSC
Francis Quetier: "I remember 2 young ladies named Catherine & Kellye who caught me in a meeting to get 2 M € from ANR to sequence the 3B chromosome. Dick Flavell and I thought, after having drunk various liquors, that sometime in the future some crazy guys will run a crazy idea -- sequencing a nightmare genome called breadwheat! Dreams are coming true with the IWGSC."
2008-06-13 20:35:26
TriticeaeGenome project established
Launched in June 2008 in Clermont-Ferrand, France, the TriticeaeGenome project is a European project that mobilises 14 European research institutes and 2 industrial partners, from 9 different countries. The project will receive €5.3 million Euros in funding over a four-year period, from the 7th European Union Framework Programme (FP7). TriticeaeGenome project is designed to achieve significant progresses in Triticeae genomics and support efficient breeding of improved varities for the European agriculture.
2008-06-19 20:35:26
WGA flow sorted chromosome of barley
Coupling amplified DNA from flow-sorted chromosomes to high-density SNP mapping in barley. Šimková et al., BMC Genomics 2008, 9:294.
2008-08-01 20:35:26
Business meeting, Brisbane, Australia
The eighth IWGSC business meeting was held in conjunction with the International Wheat Genetics Symposium at the Brisbane Convention Center in Brisbane, Qld, Australia
2008-10-03 20:35:26
First physical map of a wheat chromosome (3B)
A Physical Map of the 1-Gigabase Bread Wheat Chromosome 3B. Paux et al., Science, 2008. First time a paper on an IWGSC project was published in Science
2008-10-29 20:35:26
Japanese team joins IWGSC
They will lead the sequencing work of chromosome 6B
2008-12-13 02:14:26
Catherine Feuillet: Femme en or
Golden Woman!
2009-03-01 20:35:26
Illumina sequencing cheap and good enough for a shotgun survey
2009-03-01 20:35:26
First shotgun sequencing of a sorted chromosome
2009-04-01 20:35:26
Meeting Rudi
and starting work on chromosome 7A project. Gabriel Keeble-Gagnere
2009-09-01 02:14:26
ITMI 2009
Clermont-Ferrand, France. C'est parti mon kiki!
2009-09-01 20:35:26
3B sequencing and analysis starts
2010-01-27 20:35:26
7B physical mapping & sequencing gets funding
2010-03-01 15:17:42
I realize that this consortium is the best organized
(compared to many others…)
2010-06-09 15:17:42
18Mb of 3B sequence !
2010-06-09 15:17:42
Genes are everywhere along the chromosome
2010-07-01 15:17:42
Illumina HiSeq
2010-07-14 15:17:42
Australian investment in chromosome 7A