My Nerdy Influencers

Welcome to the timeline of my life as a nerd! This project details my nerd influencers: the people, both real and fictional, and the events which have shaped my nerd identity in some way. Click anywhere to begin.

1994-02-22 00:00:00

A nerd is born!

After 23 hours of her mother's hard labor, Anna Morgan breaks into the world via emergency c-section on the same day as George Washington did, nearly 200 years earlier.

1997-01-28 00:00:00


Sometime around this date, Anna Morgan learns to read. Her first book is "Thumbelina," which she proudly recites to the amazement of her mother and uncle one day while riding in the back seat of the car.

1999-08-03 00:00:00

Me hablo espanol

Under the guiding influence of Senora Valdez, Anna joins the Spanish club at school. She is the only kindergartener amidst a sea of middle schoolers in the club. All these years later, she is still disappointed by the fact that the keyboard on her computer won't type an n with a tilde properly.

2002-08-01 09:50:46

She's a Keeper

Anna reads the Harry Potter series for the first time, taking turns reading aloud with her mom and younger sister. Her lifelong passion for the series eventually leads to her playing as seeker for the UF Quidditch team in the Quidditch World Cup.

2003-06-01 05:40:48

Little House on the Prairie

Anna and family move out to the University of Iowa for a summer while her dad is on temporary appointment to the faculty. While in the area, they travel to Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie, as well as her home in Missouri, where Laura wrote her beloved children's series.

2005-08-01 14:08:23

We Bought a Zoo

Tired of her boring classroom science, Anna enrolls in the Jacksonville Zoo's educational program and learns about science by handling zoo animals and going on field trips to sites of geologic or zoologic note.

2006-08-22 21:33:32

Piece of Pi

Anna's high school math teacher, Mr. Lyons, convinces her to join the math team after making a record high score on his school-wide algebra exam. She amasses a sizeable t-shirt collection with mathematical slogans, which she maintains to this day.

2007-08-22 21:33:32

A Brief History of Art

Anna takes her first art history class, which proves the catalyst for her lifelong dream to study art and literature. Her teacher, Dr. MacNichol, encourages her dream to travel to Europe.

2012-08-22 19:33:57

Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey

Anna's friend Jeremy, whom she met on the UF Quidditch team, introduces her to Doctor Who. Four months later, she has sustained more emotional trauma than she would have expected coming from a tv show . . . but nothing could be more worth it.

2013-01-01 23:56:41

Shelf Life

Anna finally makes good on her New Year's resolution to write a blog, which is mostly about books and assorted nerdiness.

2013-04-13 00:03:07

The Golden Snitch

Anna plays as Seeker for the UF team in the fifth Quidditch World Cup. She makes friends with a British snitch, with whom she is still in contact.

2013-07-14 23:18:29

Rule Britania

Anna travels to Cambridge University in the United Kingdom for a summer study abroad, fulfilling her lifelong dream of geeking out over the best art and literature in the country where it was created.

2014-01-05 22:42:47

A Cup of Java

Anna learns her first programming language, Java, as part of her Intro to Computer Science course, which, though it counts nothing for her English major, is still one of the greatest classes she has ever taken.

2014-09-28 19:17:27

Geek and Sundry

While in the midst of recovering from a bad breakup, Anna binge watches Felicia Day's YouTube series "The Guild" and becomes enamored with Day's sense of humor and geekiness, which is spot on.

2015-03-13 23:00:39

The Winter's Tale

After acting for the previous two years, Anna takes the helm of UF Shakespeare in the Park's production of "The Winter's Tale" as director. Long live the Bard!

My Nerdy Influencers

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