MetalCoin Future Development

This is MetalCoin Future Development and Action Plan

2015-02-02 06:30:50

Join MetalCoin Team

We are currently looking for a full-time coin dev as well as presenters. Preferably, the new developer would have C++ knowledge. Although, any development experience, backed by a love for crypto and metal music would be a great start. Presenters will need to have knowledge in bitcoin, altcoins and metal music in order to educate merchants and/or share knowledge while passing out paper wallets

2015-02-02 12:00:00

Development Timeline Start

We will be kicking off the development timeline with a new webpage and a complete wallet redesign. The webpage will be encapsulated within the new wallet, leaving no need to open your browser. Our marketplace (Metal Mosh Pit) will feature the majority of merchandise from non-mainstream bands. These bands may originate from any corner of the globe. With this in mind, METAL intends to go social as well. Expect a new Facebook-type social media site, developed with two worlds in mind..... metal and crypto. To further MetalCoin distribution and awareness, we are going to print over 5000 paper wallets, to be shared at various metal music and crypto events. Paper wallets will be passed out starting with MetalDays (formerly known as MetalCamp) in Tolmin, Slovenia. Followed by Dark Easter Metal Meeting in Munich, Germany. On to Rock Am Ring in Mendig, Germany and also Wacken Open Air in Waken, Germany. Many smaller festivals will be announced once exact dates are obtained. These events will be an excellent opportunity to come out, support MetalCoin, grab some free coins and meet me in person. Expect the development team to make a serious effort to have METAL recognized and accepted by other crypto services. Amendments to the timeline will be forthcoming as new dates and developments unfold

2015-02-03 12:00:00

Wallet Redesign

For ease of use, the Metal Mosh Pit website will be contained within the new wallet. This will allow for more seamless transactions, as it will not be necessary for the user to open a browser

2015-02-05 12:00:00

Website Redesign

The website will receive a complete face-lift, preparing it for the upcoming services that will be offered therein.

2015-02-15 12:00:00

Social Website

This website will be geared toward the metal and crypto enthusiast. It will become a social stomping ground, where two worlds collide... metal and crypto become one!

2015-02-15 12:09:14

CryptoSpot - Virtual Mining Game

MetalCoin will be added on - virtual mining game

2015-03-01 12:00:00

Paper Wallets

The design and printing of over 5000 paper wallets to be passed out at various metal music festivals around the globe. If anyone wants to become involved and share in his country, please contact me via email.

2015-04-05 12:00:00

Dark Easter Metal Meeting

We will be in Germany for Dark Easter Metal Meeting festival, giving out MetalCoin/MetalMoshPit t-shirts and paper wallets to anyone and everyone that shows interest

2015-06-05 12:00:00

Rock Am Ring

We will be in Germany for Rock Am Ring festival, giving out MetalCoin/MetalMoshPit t-shirts and paper wallets to anyone and everyone that shows interest

2015-07-19 12:00:00


We will be in Slovenia for MetalDays festival, giving out MetalCoin/MetalMoshPit t-shirts and paper wallets to anyone and everyone that shows interest

2015-07-30 12:00:00

Wacken Open Air

We will be in Germany for Wacken Open Air festival, giving out MetalCoin/MetalMoshPit t-shirts and paper wallets to anyone and everyone that shows interest

MetalCoin Future Development

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We can be contacted by email at:

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