What a funny world we live in

A visual representation to make this story easier to understand. I used my one free timeline on this website to make this. Okay

2012-08-28 22:05:54

Arrival in France

It is also on this date that I meet Aussie Joe for the first time.

2013-01-12 21:38:02

Aussie Joe's departure

He leaves France to go back to his native land.

2013-01-16 05:53:19

Aussie Joe and Claire meet

In the small period of time they both had in Australia, neither of them in France.

2013-01-20 05:53:19

I meet Claire

Claire arrives in France!

2013-06-30 08:38:25

I leave France

And Claire is left behind in my host town.

2014-01-12 06:27:32

Claire's Departure

Claire goes back to Australia.

2014-10-11 11:33:00


Claire randomly runs into Aussie Joe in Brisbane. My mind is blown.

What a funny world we live in

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