A Digital Literacy Narrative Adventure

Get ready for a journey, a journey through space and time, digital and physical media, written and spoken word, prose and poetry, fiction and essays. What follows is a trail of events in my life that follow my digital literacy from 2001 until just the other day.

2000-09-15 05:55:43

Picture Books

What kid didn't love picture books?

2001-09-01 05:55:43

The Fat Pencil

Nothing was more difficult as a kindergartener than figuring out how those weird wooden things with the pointy tips worked.

2002-06-01 23:44:10

The Gameboy Color

This little device would go on to change my entire life.

2002-09-15 05:55:43

Reading with the Family

Family time well spent.

2006-10-01 05:44:24

Percy Jackson

Where does the time go?

2008-09-15 23:44:10

7th Grade

Seventh Grade is a seminal year in my writing timeline.

2010-05-01 07:05:29

First Research Paper

My first research paper was also the first time I wrote about video games.

2010-08-01 17:34:05


That day my mom showed me the phone records...

2010-09-09 17:34:05

Writing for the Emerald

How poetry came into my life.

2011-03-01 05:44:24


The power of words on a screen

2011-10-15 20:13:14


A whole new way to present that turned slideshows into an even more visual experience.

2013-05-01 05:44:24


The record of my life

2013-06-04 17:34:05

Junior Year Research Paper

Research and deadlines had never been such a prominent factor in my daily life.

2013-06-10 23:44:10

New Jersey Boys' State

Boy's State had many different effects on my digital literacy narrative.

2013-12-25 05:44:24

The Royal

Clacking keys never felt so good.

2014-05-15 23:44:10

Web Design With Wix

My first real dabbling with web design.

2014-08-24 17:34:05


This is a big one.

A Digital Literacy Narrative Adventure

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