The Ultimate Orson Welles Timeline

The Ultimate Orson Welles Timeline is a visual timeline (including photos and videos) about the works and life of the great Orson Welles (1915-1985). [Work in progress] You can change the way timeline is displayed with the option in the right corner at the bottom.

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The timeline display the following information about Orson Welles :

- Important dates in his life and about his family

- his stage productions

- his radio plays

- movies he directed

- movies he co-directed

- movies he acted in or did the narration

- books, plays and scripts he wrote

- his projects for television

- his interviews [list in progess]

- his public appearances

- books on Orson Welles and his works (mostly in english and french)

- movies on Orson Welles or with Orson Welles as a character.

- plays on Orson Welles or with Orson Welles as a character.

- tributes to Orson Welles

Information are mostly from Wikipedia, IMDb, books on Orson Welles and the fabulous Wellesnet website.

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7th October 1905

Birth of Richard I. Welles, Orson's brother

Birth of Richard Ives Welles, III, older brother of Orson Welles.

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6th May 1915

Orson's birth

Birth of George Orson Welles in Kenosha, Wisconsin, U.S.

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10th May 1924

Death of Beatrice Ives Welles

Beatrice Ives Welles, a concert pianist and Orson's mother, died of hepatitis in a Chicago hospital at the age of 43, just after Welles's ninth birthday.

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28th December 1930

Death of Richard H. Welles

Richard Hodgdon Head Welles, Orson's father, died at the age of 58, alone in a hotel in Chicago.

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13th October 1931

Jew Suss

Welles made his stage debut at the Gate Theatre appearing in Ashley Dukes's adaptation of Jew Suss as Duke Karl Alexander of Württemberg.

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1st May 1933

"Twelfth Night" footage

A short technicolor film made in 1933, notable as the very earliest surviving film directed by a seventeen-year-old Orson Welles.

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1st January 1934

The American School of the Air

Welles got his first job on radio — on The American School of the Air — through actor-director Paul Stewart, who introduced him to director Knowles Entrikin.

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1st June 1934

Hearts of Age

This 8 minute short film was co-directed with Orson's friend William Vance.

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12th Jul 1934 - 23rd Aug 1934

Todd Theatre Festival at the Woodstock Opera House

The young Orson Welles (19 years old) directed his first play "Tribly" during this summer festival where he played Svengali. He also played in the two other plays of the festival Hamlet and Tsar Paul.

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1st September 1934

Everybody's Shakespeare

Three volumes published by the 19-year-old Welles and his former school teacher & lifelong friend Roger Hill, by the Todd Press, the imprint of the Todd School for Boys where Welles was a pupil and Hill became Headmaster. The book contained "acting versions" (i.e. abridgments) of Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night and The Merchant of Venice.

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20th December 1934

Romeo and Juliet

Katharine Cornell's company began a 36-week tour of Romeo and Juliet in the fall of 1934, with Welles playing Mercutio.

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23rd December 1934

Marriage of Orson Welles and Virginia Nicholson

Orson Welles marry Virginia Nicholson at 19.

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1st Mar 1935 - 23rd Dec 1938

The March of Time

An American radio news series broadcast from 1931 to 1945, and a companion newsreel series shown in movie theaters from 1935 to 1951.

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14th Apr 1936 - 17th Oct 1936

Voodoo Macbeth

Premiere of The Voodoo Macbeth, a common nickname for the Federal Theatre Project's 1936 New York production of William Shakespeare's Macbeth, featuring an all-African American cast.

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17th Sep 1936 - 30th Aug 1937

Columbia Workshop

A radio series that aired on the Columbia Broadcasting System from 1936 to 1943, returning in 1946-47. Welles directed Hamlet, Macbeth and Twelfth Night for this program.

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26th Sep 1936 - 6th Dec 1936

Horse Eats Hat

A farce play co-written and directed by the 21-year-old Orson Welles, and presented under the auspices of the Federal Theatre Project. It was Welles's second WPA production, after his highly successful Voodoo Macbeth.

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1st January 1937

Orson Welles screentest for Warner Bros.

Orson Welles screentest for Warner Bros.

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8th Jan 1937 - 9th May 1937

Doctor Faustus

The play directed by Welles was presented at Maxine Elliott's Theatre, New York. Orson Welles played Faust.

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11th April 1937

The Fall of the City

The Fall of the City by Archibald MacLeish is the first American verse play written for radio. The 30-minute play was first broadcast April 11, 1937, at 7 p.m. ET over the Columbia Broadcasting System (today CBS) as part of the Columbia Workshop radio series. The cast featured Orson Welles and Burgess Meredith. Music was composed and directed by Bernard Herrmann. It is an allegory on the rise of Fascism.

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21st Apr 1937 - 23rd Apr 1937

The Second Hurricane

In 1937 American composer Aaron Copland chose Welles to direct The Second Hurricane, an operetta with a libretto by Edwin Denby, and one of Copland's least known works.

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16th Jun 1937 - 1st Apr 1938

The Cradle Will Rock

First staging of The Cradle Will Rock a musical by Marc Blitzstein, directed by Orson Welles, and produced by John Houseman.

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23rd Jul 1937 - 3rd Sep 1937

Les Misérables

Les Misérables was a seven-part radio series broadcast (Fridays at 10 p.m. ET), on the Mutual Network. Orson Welles adapted Victor Hugo's novel, directed the series and starred as Jean Valjean. The 22-year-old Welles developed the idea of telling stories with first-person narration on the series, which was his first job as a writer-director for radio.

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26th Sep 1937 - 1st Oct 1938

The Shadow

The Shadow returned to network airwaves on September 26, 1937, over the new Mutual Broadcasting System. Thus began the "official" radio drama, with 22-year-old Orson Welles starring as Lamont Cranston, a "wealthy young man about town."

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11th Nov 1937 - 14th Mar 1938


Premiere on Broadway of Caesar, adaption of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar that evoked comparison to contemporary Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.

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1st Jan 1938 - 1st Apr 1938

The Shoemaker's Holiday

The Mercury Theatre's second production. A staging of Thomas Dekker's Elizabethan comedy The Shoemaker's Holiday.

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1st February 1938

Bright Lucifer

Starting at 17, Orson Welles worked on "Bright Lucifer" for six years. It's a lurid and macabre melodrama about an evil youth who destructively manipulates his elders at an isolated forest lake cabin.

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27th March 1938

Birth of Christopher Welles

Virginia Nicholson, Orson's first wife gave birth to a baby girl named Christopher, first daughter of Orson Welles.

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29th Apr 1938 - 11th Jun 1938

Heartbreak House

The third Mercury Theatre play. An adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's Heartbreak House.

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11th Jul 1938 - 4th Dec 1938

The Mercury Theatre on the Air (1937-1938)

The Mercury Theatre on the Air (first known as First Person Singular) is a radio series of live radio dramas created by Orson Welles. The weekly hour-long show presented classic literary works performed by Welles's celebrated Mercury Theatre repertory company, with music composed or arranged by Bernard Herrmann.

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15th August 1938

Too Much Johnson

This 34 min short film was not intended to stand by itself, but was designed as the cinematic aspect of Welles's Mercury Theatre stage presentation of William Gillette's 1894 comedy.

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30th Oct 1938

The War of the Worlds

Orson Welles's adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds (1898) that panicked America.

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31st October 1938

'The War of the Worlds' press conference

Orson Welles speaking at press conference the day after "The War of the Worlds" radio broadcast.

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2nd Nov 1938 - 7th Dec 1938

Danton's Death

A production of Georg Büchner 1835 play Danton's Death, about the French Revolution.

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9th Dec 1938 - 31st Mar 1940

The Campbell Playhouse (1938-1940)

A live CBS radio drama series directed by and starring Orson Welles. Produced by John Houseman, it was a sponsored continuation of The Mercury Theatre on the Air. The series offered 60-minute adaptations of classic plays and novels, plus some adaptations of popular motion pictures.

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1st January 1939

The Mercury Shakespeare

A revised omnibus version edited by Harper & Row of three volumes released in 1934 under the umbrella title of Everybody's Shakespeare.

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27th Feb 1939 - 30th Mar 1939

Five Kings (Part One)

An entirely original play by Welles about Sir John Falstaff, which was created by mixing and re-arranging dialogue from five different Shakespeare plays (primarily taken from Henry IV, Part I, Henry IV, Part II, and Henry V, but also using elements of Richard II and The Merry Wives of Windsor), to form a wholly new narrative.

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1st Jul 1939 - 30th Aug 1939

The Green Goddess

In July and August 1939, after having signed a contract with the RKO film studio, the Mercury Theatre toured the RKO Vaudeville Theatre circuit with an abbreviated, twenty-minute production of the William Archer melodrama The Green Goddess, five minutes of which took the form of a film insert.

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10th December 1939

Heart of Darkness

Welles toyed with various ideas for his first project for RKO Radio Pictures, settling on an adaptation of Joseph Conrad's 1899 novella Heart of Darkness, which he worked on in detail.

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1st February 1940

Orson Welles and Virginia Nicholson divorce

Virginia Nicholson divorced Orson Welles.

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8th February 1940

Swiss Family Robinson

Orson Welles is the opening narrator (uncredited) of this film about a family setting out for a new life across the sea and shipwrecked on a deserted island.

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5th May 1940

Birth of Michael Lindsay-Hogg

Michael Lindsay-Hogg is a british director. He is assumed to be the only son of Orson Welles from Welles's affair with Irish actress Geraldine Fitzgerald, then the wife of Sir Edward Lindsay-Hogg.

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5th June 1940

Batman #1 comic book

In this first issue of the Batman comic book, the Joker hijacks a radio program to predict that the millionaire Henry Claridge will be killed at midnight and the Claridge diamond stolen. One listener is less than impressed, laughing it off as a hoax like, "that fellow who scared everybody with that story about Mars the last time." reffering to The War of the Worlds broadcast by Orson Welles.

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24th Mar 1941 - 28th Jun 1941

Native Son

A stage adaptation of Richard Wright's anti-racism novel Native Son.

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25th March 1941

The Way to Santiago / Mexican Melodrama

The Way to Santiago a.k.a. Mexican Melodrama in which Welles was to have starred as well as direct and produce is an action thriller about a man who wakes up with amnesia in a foreign country where many people want him dead.

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6th April 1941

His Honor, The Mayor

Script of a radio play written by Orson Welles broadcast April 6, 1941. Published by The Free Company.

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1st May 1941

Citizen Kane

Premiere of Citizen Kane in New York City.

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15th Sep 1941 - 2nd Feb 1942

Orson Welles Show

Also known as The Orson Welles Theater, Orson Welles and his Mercury Theater and the Lady Esther Show (after its sponsor), Orson Welles Show is a live CBS Radio series produced, directed and hosted by Orson Welles.

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10th July 1942

The Magnificent Ambersons

Release of The Magnificent Ambersons in the USA.

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9th Nov 1942 - 30th Apr 1944

Ceiling Unlimited

Later known as America — Ceiling Unlimited this CBS radio series created by Orson Welles and sponsored by the Lockheed-Vega Corporation was conceived to glorify the aviation industry and dramatize its role in World War II.

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15th Nov 1942 - 31st Jan 1943

Hello Americans

A CBS Radio series produced, directed and hosted by Orson Welles, created to promote inter-American understanding and friendship during World War II.

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The Ultimate Orson Welles Timeline

7th October 1905
6th May 1915
10th May 1924
28th December 1930
13th October 1931
1st May 1933
1st January 1934
1st June 1934
12th July 1934
1st September 1934
20th December 1934
23rd December 1934
1st March 1935
14th April 1936
17th September 1936
26th September 1936
1st January 1937
8th January 1937
11th April 1937
21st April 1937
16th June 1937
23rd July 1937
26th September 1937
11th November 1937
1st January 1938
1st February 1938
27th March 1938
29th April 1938
11th July 1938
15th August 1938
30th October 1938
31st October 1938
2nd November 1938
9th December 1938
1st January 1939
27th February 1939
1st July 1939
10th December 1939
1st February 1940
8th February 1940
5th May 1940
5th June 1940
24th March 1941
25th March 1941
6th April 1941
1st May 1941
15th September 1941
10th July 1942
9th November 1942
15th November 1942
12th January 1943
1st May 1943
3rd August 1943
7th September 1943
24th December 1943
26th January 1944
17th February 1944
25th April 1944
5th September 1944
16th September 1945
18th January 1946
28th April 1946
25th May 1946
7th June 1946
31st December 1946
28th May 1947
24th December 1947
1st October 1948
1st December 1948
19th August 1949
30th August 1949
8th November 1949
1st January 1950
1st January 1950
15th June 1950
1st September 1950
3rd August 1951
1st October 1951
1st January 1952
1st January 1952
10th May 1952
5th June 1952
29th October 1952
1st January 1953
1st January 1953
1st April 1953
30th April 1953
7th September 1953
4th October 1953
18th October 1953
9th March 1954
14th June 1954
1st January 1955
14th January 1955
1st February 1955
1st March 1955
25th March 1955
24th April 1955
8th May 1955
16th June 1955
7th October 1955
13th November 1955
12th January 1956
5th February 1956
7th April 1956
27th June 1956
15th October 1956
20th October 1956
20th September 1957
1st January 1958
3rd April 1958
23rd April 1958
2nd June 1958
11th June 1958
15th July 1958
16th September 1958
15th October 1958
24th December 1958
1st January 1959
1st April 1959
29th October 1959
1st January 1960
22nd January 1960
13th February 1960
13th February 1960
28th April 1960
19th May 1960
9th June 1960
17th June 1960
8th February 1961
1st March 1961
1st May 1961
18th August 1961
11th October 1961
26th November 1961
1st June 1962
21st December 1962
19th February 1963
1st May 1963
1st January 1964
29th September 1964
1st January 1965
6th August 1965
20th October 1965
7th November 1965
22nd December 1965
1st January 1966
31st March 1966
26th October 1966
12th December 1966
1st January 1967
3rd April 1967
13th April 1967
24th April 1967
18th December 1967
1st January 1968
25th January 1968
24th May 1968
1st June 1968
14th June 1968
20th September 1968
26th September 1968
13th December 1968
1st January 1969
1st January 1969
31st January 1969
21st February 1969
4th March 1969
8th April 1969
7th October 1969
7th October 1969
1st December 1969
1st January 1970
1st January 1970
1st January 1970
1st January 1970
1st January 1970
1st February 1970
4th February 1970
24th June 1970
16th October 1970
26th October 1970
26th October 1970
1st November 1970
1st January 1971
1st January 1971
1st January 1971
1st January 1971
20th February 1971
15th April 1971
1st October 1971
20th October 1971
1st December 1971
1st January 1972
1st June 1972
22nd September 1972
30th October 1972
29th November 1972
30th November 1972
3rd July 1973
1st September 1973
1st September 1973
17th November 1973
24th September 1974
1st January 1975
1st January 1975
9th January 1975
9th February 1975
8th September 1975
31st October 1975
19th December 1975
1st January 1976
16th July 1976
20th December 1976
1st January 1977
1st January 1977
1st April 1977
11th December 1977
1st January 1978
7th February 1978
1st June 1978
10th July 1978
10th August 1978
27th October 1978
11th December 1978
1st January 1979
1st January 1979
1st January 1979
1st January 1979
2nd January 1979
1st February 1979
31st May 1979
1st June 1979
7th December 1979
1st January 1980
1st January 1980
12th January 1980
20th January 1980
15th September 1980
15th September 1980
1st January 1981
1st January 1981
2nd January 1981
9th April 1981
12th June 1981
1st January 1982
1st January 1982
1st January 1982
1st January 1982
15th January 1982
5th February 1982
7th June 1982
1st December 1982
1st January 1983
1st January 1983
9th February 1983
23rd February 1983
7th April 1983
2nd November 1983
1st January 1984
1st January 1984
1st January 1984
1st February 1984
1st May 1984
1st October 1984
1st January 1985
1st January 1985
1st April 1985
12th May 1985
1st June 1985
12th June 1985
15th September 1985
3rd October 1985
10th October 1985
10th October 1985
14th October 1985
1st January 1986
30th March 1986
1st April 1986
8th August 1986
1st September 1986
1st January 1987
1st January 1987
31st October 1988
1st December 1988
1st December 1988
1st January 1989
28th April 1989
1st January 1990
28th February 1990
30th December 1990
31st March 1992
20th April 1992
15th May 1992
1st September 1992
4th February 1993
1st April 1993
15th October 1993
8th November 1993
31st December 1993
1st January 1994
2nd March 1994
2nd September 1994
23rd September 1994
1st October 1994
1st January 1995
7th May 1995
8th October 1995
20th October 1995
30th June 1996
1st November 1996
1st January 1997
28th March 1997
9th July 1997
14th September 1997
9th May 1998
1st December 1998
1st January 1999
22nd March 1999
18th May 1999
20th November 1999
1st January 2000
1st January 2000
1st March 2001
1st January 2002
20th February 2002
1st October 2002
18th September 2003
30th April 2004
20th July 2004
19th August 2004
17th October 2004
18th November 2004
1st January 2005
24th January 2005
1st February 2005
13th May 2005
28th June 2005
2nd September 2005
9th September 2005
6th October 2005
3rd November 2005
11th November 2005
21st November 2005
1st May 2006
3rd May 2006
17th August 2006
15th September 2006
9th October 2006
13th October 2006
1st November 2006
2nd November 2006
5th November 2006
9th November 2006
1st December 2006
27th January 2007
14th March 2007
11th May 2007
7th September 2007
11th October 2007
1st November 2007
28th August 2008
29th August 2008
5th September 2008
28th November 2008
1st January 2009
1st January 2009
1st February 2009
24th September 2009
8th October 2009
29th December 2009
1st January 2010
18th June 2010
26th August 2010
1st January 2011
1st November 2011
5th December 2011
1st January 2012
4th March 2012
22nd April 2012
25th May 2012
30th April 2013
16th July 2013
29th October 2013
1st January 2014
1st January 2014
1st January 2014
2nd May 2014
4th July 2014
5th August 2014
6th November 2014
9th November 2014
1st January 2015
1st January 2015
24th January 2015
7th February 2015
20th February 2015
21st February 2015
4th April 2015
9th April 2015
17th April 2015
19th April 2015
21st April 2015
28th April 2015
29th April 2015
1st May 2015
1st May 2015
2nd May 2015
3rd May 2015
4th May 2015
4th May 2015
5th May 2015
5th May 2015
6th May 2015
6th May 2015
6th May 2015
6th May 2015
6th May 2015
7th May 2015
7th May 2015
9th May 2015
13th May 2015
14th May 2015
21st May 2015
31st May 2015
3rd June 2015
7th June 2015
9th June 2015
17th June 2015
18th June 2015
1st July 2015
1st July 2015
7th July 2015
4th September 2015
4th September 2015
19th September 2015
1st October 2015
8th October 2015
22nd October 2015
24th October 2015
25th October 2015
1st November 2015
5th November 2015
11th November 2015
17th November 2015
19th November 2015
20th November 2015
26th November 2015
12th January 2016
26th April 2016
1st July 2016
14th March 2017
1st July 2017
4th August 2017
21st August 2017
26th October 2017
1st November 2017
30th January 2018
8th February 2018
8th May 2018
9th June 2018
18th July 2018
2nd August 2018
17th August 2018
31st August 2018
1st September 2018
15th September 2018
2nd November 2018
2nd November 2018
2nd November 2018
19th February 2019
3rd April 2019
15th August 2019
27th October 2019
24th July 2020
8th September 2020
4th December 2020
11th March 2021
6th May 2021
10th July 2021
14th August 2021
4th May 2022
22nd June 2022
7th July 2022
20th October 2022
8th February 2023
14th February 2023
12th April 2023
1st August 2023
15th August 2023
6th October 2023
20th October 2023
19th November 2024
25th March 2025
7th October 1905
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7th Oct 1905
13th Jun 1900
27th Jul 1938
9th Nov 1948
19th Oct 1956
31st Dec 1965
1st Jan 1971
17th Dec 1978
14th Jul 1984
15th Sep 1994
9th Nov 2005
26th Apr 2013
9th May 2015
18th May 2018
12th Apr 2028

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