Animation time line

this will be a time line about the history of animation (2D)

1787-01-01 00:00:00

william horner was born

1801-05-01 00:00:00

joseph plateau is born

1824-05-12 00:00:00

the Thaumatrope is created

1830-04-09 00:00:00

Edward muybridge is born

1831-01-24 12:33:28

the Phenakistoscope cretaed by joesph plateau

1834-05-12 00:00:00

william horner creates the zeotrope

1837-09-22 21:21:51

william horner

william horner dies

1844-10-09 16:40:42

emile reynaud is born

1847-01-26 06:55:39

Thomas edison is born

1862-10-19 00:00:00

one of the Lumière borther are born (Auguste)

1864-10-05 00:00:00

the Last Lumiere brother is born (Louis)

1868-01-30 22:07:45

the flip book

1877-01-12 00:48:06

the Praxinoscope

1879-01-01 00:00:00


1888-01-11 22:20:22

thomas edison creates the kinetoscope

1890-01-01 00:00:00

The creation of cinematograph

1900-01-06 18:55:25

the humerous phases of funny faces

1901-01-05 00:33:14

walt disney is born

1908-02-01 00:35:29


the first tradionally animated film

1914-01-19 10:22:23

gerti the dinosaur

1914-03-23 08:24:31

cel animation is patented by earl hurd

1915-01-17 16:00:12

the creation of rotroscoping

1923-01-01 13:02:44

the founding of the walt disney company

1930-01-27 13:04:59

warner bros is founded

1945-04-06 13:25:15

first feature length anime ( Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors)

this was a propergangda film for japan

1951-01-29 16:17:48

coloured TV introduced to the US

1957-01-13 05:43:34

hanna-barbera is founded

1957-05-01 00:00:00

huckleberry hound is released on US coloured TV

1969-02-21 01:29:42

montey pythons active years

1993-02-11 14:08:23

jurassic park is released into cinimas

1995-07-06 21:45:08

The website newgrounds was created

1997-08-01 00:00:00

south parks first episode aired on TV

Animation time line

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