What I have learnt during the production of my music magazine

Here is the progression of using certain technologies and learning new software throughout the time of designing the preliminary task and the music magazine.

2013-09-05 04:51:35

Learning How to post onto Blogger

The first skill I picked up was learning how to post a simple text entry into Blogger, without this knowledge I wouldn't have been able to convey my findings or work as easily and as clear.

2013-09-18 14:02:41

Learning how to embed and use Scribd

When learning how to use Scribd. it helped to convey information better through the use of Word or PowerPoint which was more interactive and had more design fluency than Blogger. Through learning how to use Scribd. I could keep the format and design of my Word document and then present it online through embedding it, therefore creating a more interesting post.

2013-09-24 14:02:41

Learning the basics of Adobe Photoshop CS6

Here I learnt the basics of Photoshop such as cropping and manipulating images. This helped through knowing the basic information I could design a front cover and then build my understanding up from that to achieve more professional results on my music magazine.

2013-10-03 14:02:41

Learning the basics of how to use Adobe InDesign CS6

I learned how to use the basics of InDesign and, like Photoshop, I was able to produce a basic contents page which I could then develop and experiment my skills into a more professional result.

2013-11-12 05:41:12

Learning How to use SurveyMonkey

This is the first time in coming across SurveyMonkey and having learnt the basics fairly quickly I will use this site again when needing to collect accurate data.

2013-11-12 05:41:12

Using Social Media to promote my Surveys

Not only have I picked up new skills to do with new sites, I have also developed skills personally and have learnt how to address certain people and to attract them to answer my survey.

2013-11-17 05:41:12

Learning How to use Prezi

At first Prezi seemed confusing but I soon picked up the basics to produce presentations that are more interesting and interactive than using PowerPoint through Scribd.

2013-11-20 05:41:12

Learning How to use SlideShare

Through learning to use SlideShare, like Scribd, I could present PowerPoints online whilst keeping the design.

2013-11-20 05:41:12

Learning How to use Windows Movie Maker

By learning how to use Windows Movie Maker I can now make videos tailored to my pace and full of images, videos and audio which can inform my audience in a more interactive and interesting way.

2013-11-28 05:41:12

Learning How to use Pinterest

Through learning how to use Pinterest I can now display images into a mood board and put across my brief or design direction through images that are displayed like a mood board but can still give off information through text.

2013-12-10 05:41:12

Learning How to use Issu

Here I have learnt how to use Issu, I really like how it presents word documents and Powerpoints like booklets and gives this impression of professionalism and fluency which isn't on scribd or issu.

2013-12-10 05:41:12

Learning How to use Mind42

Through learning how to use Mind42 I can present mind maps in different more interactive ways that will interest the audience. This is a much better than scanning a handwritten mind map which would look unprofessional and not very clear.

2013-12-21 05:41:12

Learning How to use Poll Maker

To gather data I needed to use a poll maker, this was much more professional than using a tally chart, through using a poll maker all the data was provided.

2014-01-14 05:41:12

Leaning how to use camera equipment

To ensure I got professional looking images I decided to use proper studio equipment such as DSLR's and lighting.

2014-01-15 05:41:12

Impoved Understanding of Photoshop

Here my Photoshop understanding has improved therefore allowing me to make easier changes to pieces and to create visual effects that would stand out on the newsstand.

2014-03-14 05:41:12

InDesign Development

As desired I decided to develop my understanding of InDesign so the results would be more professional and more attractive to the audience.

2014-03-26 12:02:44

Learning How to use SoundCloud

I have learnt how to use SoundCloud which allowed me to talk directly to the audience and create a more personal and interesting portrayal of information.

2014-03-28 16:18:47

Learning How to use Tiki-Toki timeline

Through learning how to use Tiki-Toki timeline I could present the progression of all the software I have learnt, while also involving links to skills development, I can truly convey a sense of understanding whilst providing evidence, which I would look a lot more efficient than presenting it as an image.

What I have learnt during the production of my music magazine

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