Pulled from the Rough Timeline

Hi. This timeline is outlines the plans that a distributor from the film industry might use to distribute the film. Please read the information below to learn how to use this software.

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2014-02-26 07:05:34

Social Networking marketing begins

Posters and visuals begin to be uploaded via Facebook pages and Twitter. This raises awareness. Facebook marketting targets older teenagers who interacting with these social media sites.

2014-03-07 07:05:34

Trailer released on YouTube

This can be embedded on social media pages and on the blog for our film.

2014-04-04 07:05:34

Film first released in cinema

The film first releases when some university students have their last day of spring term. Therefore as a celebration if they head to the cinema there is a high potential of reach to our core and secondary target audience as they could be attracted to watch our film.

2014-04-04 10:05:34

Cinema Exhibition

In selected indie arthouse cinemas such as Screen on the Green, The Phoenix and The Rio. These examples are located in North London. This is because audiences with niche interests usually go here. Eventually if Pulled from The Rough is well received, the film could be distributed in national multiplexes and thus be more accessible to audiences.

2014-05-09 07:05:34

Released on Streaming Sites

such as NetFlix, Lovefilm, etc. This reaches audiences such as parents who usually buy their media content.

2014-05-21 07:05:34

Some rights are sold

these include airline rights and television rights. The television rights are likely to be sold to the Channel 4 network so it could be aired on Film4, a movie channel. It wouldn't be aired at prime time as this would be saved for family audiences while our film would be a 15 certificate thus unsuitable for a family audience thus it will probably be aired during the watershed hours.

2014-06-06 07:05:34

Home Entertainment platform is released

such as DVD and Bluray. This will appeal to our core audience, who prefer to watch movies at home.

Pulled from the Rough Timeline

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