Percy Bysshe Shelly

Percy Shelly was an amazing Poet. His work inspires minds to this day. Here is some basic info about him.

Here is some general info about Percy Shelly;xNLx;His work was usually about romance and it was known for it's beauty. ;xNLx;Some of the poems he wrote were Ode to the West Wind and A Dialogue. ;xNLx;One of the people that inspired him the most was his good friend George Gordon Byron.

1792-08-04 00:00:00

Percy Bysshe Shelley was Born

This is when the inspiring poet, Percy Bssyhe Shelley, was born.

1804-03-01 00:00:00

Percy enrolled in Eton College for six years

This was when Percy enrolled in a college called Eton College. This was when he wrote a lot of poems and decided he wanted to become a poet. This was one of his inspirations. Also one of the people that inspired him was his friend Lord Byron.

1810-03-01 00:00:00

Percy wrote the graphic novel "Zastrozzi"

This was the time when he had just gotten out of college and he wanted to be a poet. He wrote his first graphic novel: "Zastrozzi"

1811-03-01 00:00:00

Percy got married

When Percy was 19 years old, he got married to a girl named Harriet Westbrook and moved to the Lake District of England to study and write poetry.

1817-03-01 00:00:00

Percy wrote "Laon and Cythna"

At this time, Percy wrote "Laon and Cythna" a very long narrative poem based on religion.

1822-07-08 00:00:00

Percy Bysshe Shelly Died

This is the sad event of when Percy Bysshe Shelley died. He still inspires us today with his romantic poetry. One of his main inspirations was with music. He changes the way that we thought art was. Today's music is almost all about romance. He inspired that with his romantic poems.

Percy Bysshe Shelly

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