History of Fish Creek

This timeline follows the people, events, and places that have influenced our local community in The Gap, Queensland, 4061. Information has been classified into 3 categories: History and Infrastructure (Blue), Population, Society and Culture (Orange) and Local Environment (Green). The timeline can be used in multiple ways by users. It can be read in entirety or used to learn about specific events or time-periods. Please visit our Further Reading page for more information on any topic covered in the timeline.

We pay respect to the first peoples on whose land we are, ;xNLx;We acknowledge the loss of lands, spirituality, tradition and culture.;xNLx;Knowing the consequences for people, communities and nations, ;xNLx;We walk together hand in hand to a better future.

1606-08-07 00:54:34

First Recorded European Contact

In 1606, the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon landed near the site where Weipa is now located on the western shore of Cape York. This was the first recorded encounter between Europeans and first Australian peoples.

1770-04-07 00:54:34

Cook Maps East Coast of Australia

Lieutenant James Cook and crew aboard a ship called the Endeavour mapped the east coast of Australia in April 1770.

1788-01-26 00:00:00

Early Life in Australia for British Marines and Convicts

Early life for the British marines and convicts was very difficult. The land was very different to that in Britain and initial plantings of crops failed. Finding suitable shelter was also a huge problem and the British convicts and soldiers had very limited building materials. Life was so difficult for the early colonists that by the time the second fleet of convicts and marines arrived from Britain to what is now known as Sydney, the convicts and marines from the first voyage were dressed in patched and threadbare clothes.

1788-01-26 00:54:34

Natural Fish Creek Habitat

At the time of early British colonisation, the land around Fish Creek in The Gap would have remained in its natural state.

1788-03-26 00:00:00

First Australian Peoples Experience of Colonisation

For Australia's first peoples, British arrival in Australia was an invasion – it brought war, disease and deprivation. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were displaced from the traditional lands they had occupied for 60 thousand years, since the time of the Dreaming.

1799-01-26 00:00:00

Flinders Explores Queensland

In 1799 Captain Matthew Flinders explored Moreton Bay and around the Queensland coast but did not discover the entrance to the Brisbane River.

1823-01-26 00:54:34

British Find Entrance to Brisbane River

The Brisbane River was a spiritually important place and a vital food source for first Australians since the Dreaming. British explorers however, did not find the entrance to the river until 1823.

1824-09-13 00:54:34

British Colony Settled in Redcliffe

British settlement of Brisbane was initially as a penal settlement. Redcliffe was the first city in Queensland colonised by the British and is located on the edge of Moreton Bay.

1825-01-26 00:00:00

Colony Relocates To Edenglassie

In 1825 the British colony was moved from Redcliffe to the banks of the Brisbane River. Early on, Brisbane was called a different name – Edenglassie.

1830-01-26 00:54:34

Moreton Bay Population Growth and Decline

By 1830 the population of Moreton Bay included 1,000 convicts and 100 soldiers.

1834-01-26 00:00:00

Local Environment Around The Gap

During the early period of British colonisation along the shores of the Brisbane River, the land around The Gap would have remained in its natural state.

1834-01-26 00:00:00

Edenglassie becomes Brisbane

In 1834 the Edenglassie colony was renamed to become Brisbane. This name change was to honour the New South Wales Governor at time of colonial settlement, Sir Thomas Brisbane.

1840-01-04 00:00:00

First Changes to Brisbane River Environment

As Brisbane town grew in size and population during the 1840's, a large number of factories and infrastructure was constructed along the banks of the Brisbane River.

1840-01-26 00:00:00

British Start to Settle Around The Gap Area

British colonists first entered the region around D'Aguilar National Park during the 1840's.

1840-01-26 00:00:00

Timber Getters Enter The Gap Area

Early in the 1840's the land around The Gap and Fish Creek would have remained in its natural state.

1841-01-26 00:00:00

Brisbane River Floods

Brisbane River flooded. This event was the highest recorded flood level to date, reaching a peak of 8.49 metres.

1842-01-26 00:54:34

Free Settlers in Brisbane

On 27 January 1842, news was received that Moreton Bay would be opened to free settlers.

1850-01-26 00:00:00

Brisbane's Population

Between the years of 1850 and 1885 Brisbane emerged as the main commercial centre in the colony. The Brisbane River became a highway to transport goods to other areas within and outside the colony. The net tonnage through the port of Brisbane grew from 8,128 tonnes in 1850 to 690,883 tonnes in 1885. During the same period the area’s population grew from under 8,000 people to over 100,000 people.

1851-01-26 00:00:00

Land Around The Gap Leased

In 1851, an ex-convict named Darby McGrath leased yearly square mile portions of land for sheep rearing in the county of Stanley from the New South Wales Government. Six of the portions of the land were in the area now known as The Gap.

1854-12-03 00:00:00

Eureka Stockade

The Eureka Stockade took place in Ballarat, Victoria.

1858-01-26 00:00:00

First British Settlers in The Gap

The Gap was colonised by free settlers who were attracted to the area's fertile land and plentiful water.

1859-01-26 00:00:00

Hilder Family Settles Fish Creek

The land around the source of Fish Creek was settled by the Hilder family in 1859. Life in the area for farmers during the early days was difficult. The Hilder family survived through undertaking “subsistence farming”.

1859-01-26 00:00:00

Queensland Created, Brisbane Born

Queensland was created through separation of the state from New South Wales.

1859-01-26 00:00:00

Creation of Pastoral Land

During the late 1850's and into the 1860's, the local environment would have started to change to become agricultural land for European methods of farming.

1860-01-26 00:00:00

Gold in D'Aguilar Ranges

Gold Prospectors discovered quartz-bearing rock in the D’Aguilar ranges. The prospectors hoped the quartz would contain gold and that they would strike it rich! Unfortunately, despite all their hard work, the mines produced only small amounts of gold.

1860-01-26 00:00:00

Drought Affects Queensland

Severe drought in the 1860s would have affected life in Queensland.

1860-01-26 00:00:00

Clearing of Land Around Fish Creek Begins

It is likely that it was during the 1860's that the clearing of land around Hilder Road State School and Fish Creek would have taken place to make way for pastoral and agricultural farmland.

1861-01-01 00:00:00

The Gap Gets Its Name

The lands around Hilder Road State School became known as "the Gap" as early as 1861.

1866-01-26 00:00:00

Enogerra Dam Built

Located within the outskirts of The Gap, Enoggera Dam was completed in 1866. It took just under two years to build.

1870-01-26 00:00:00

Clearance of Fish Creek Land Continues

By the end of the 1870's, the majority of the land around Fish Creek would have been cleared and used for pastoral and agricultural purposes.

1885-01-02 00:00:00

Trams in Brisbane

In 1885, a horse drawn tram system commenced operation in Brisbane. By 1897, electric trams were introduced and remained in operation in Brisbane until 1969.

1889-01-01 00:00:00

Australia's Population

In 1889, Australia’s population passed 3 million people.

1889-10-01 11:07:19

Henry Parkes - Father of Federation

In October 1889, Henry Parkes, often called the "Father of Federation", made a famous, formal speech where he called for all colonies to "unite and create a great national government for all Australia".

1890-01-01 00:00:00

Fish Creek Becomes Pastoral Land

By the 1890's clearing of the land around Fish Creek would have been complete. The area was then used as pastoral farmland.

1890-03-01 00:00:00

Brisbane River Floods

In March of 1890, the Brisbane River broke its banks and flooded the landscape.

1893-02-04 00:00:00

Brisbane River Floods For 3 Weeks

On the 4th of February 1893, the Brisbane River flooded for a period of three weeks. The river peaked at 8.35m - the second highest peak in recorded history.

1893-08-01 11:07:19

Corowa Federation Conference

On 1 August 1893, the Corowa Federation Conference was held.

1897-01-01 00:00:00

Hilder Road's Land Use Changes Purpose

From 1897, the land use around Hilder Road State School changed from pastoral and agricultural pursuits to that of an abattoir and holding paddocks.

1898-03-01 00:00:00

Federation Drought

Australia was affected by a severe drought. This weather event became known as the "Federation Drought" because it ran from 1898 - 1903.

1898-06-21 00:00:00

First Referendum

On 21 June 1898, referendums asking people to vote on whether or not to form a Federation were held.

1899-01-01 00:00:00

Secret Premiers' Federation Conference

In January 1899, the five colonial premiers all met privately to find a way to move forward and finally bring about federation.

1899-01-01 00:00:00

Canberra Created

During the secret premiers' conference held in 1889 some important changes were agreed.

1899-04-01 00:00:00

Second Federation Referendum Held

Between April and July 1899 referendums were again held in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and Tasmania.

1899-10-04 00:00:00

Boer War

South African War (Boer War) took place 1899, ending on 31st of May, 1902. Australians served as colonial troops before Federation and served as Australian troops after Federation.

1900-03-01 00:00:00

Britain Approves Constitution

The Australian constitution had to be agreed to by the British Parliament before federation could go ahead.

1901-01-01 00:00:00

Federation of Australia

Australia became an independent nation on 1 January 1901. The colony of Queensland was incorporated into the Federation.

1901-01-01 00:00:00

First Prime Minister of Australia

The first Prime Minister of Australia was Edmund Barton. He also became a founding justice of the High Court. The Monarch at the time of Federation was Queen Victoria.

1901-01-01 00:00:00

White Australia Policy

In 1901, the newly formed Federal Government passed a new immigration law called the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 (Cth).

1901-01-01 00:00:00

Australia's Population in 1901

On Census night in 1901, there were 3,773,801 people (1,977,928 males and 1,795,873 females) counted in Australia. This number does not include first Australians.

1901-03-01 00:00:00

Section 127 Australian Constitution

The Census is a special questionnaire completed by Australians every five years. It aims to measure accurately the number of people and dwellings in Australia and a range of other key characteristics.

History of Fish Creek

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