Inventions of 1850-1950

Many differnet and diverse inventions were made between 1850 and 1950. Here are some of those inventions...

1850-01-23 10:24:18


Joel Houghton made and invented the first patented dishwasher in 1850. This invention made washing clothes easier.

1853-04-01 03:38:28

Manned Glider

George Cayley invents the first manned glider in 1853. It provides a fun entertainment for people of all ages. It planted the idea of flight.

1862-04-01 03:38:28

Machine Gun

Richard Gatling invents and patnets the first machine gun in 1862. It made war and shotting easier and faster than the other guns of its time. It shaped war into a fast paced death match.

1866-04-01 03:38:28


Alfred Nobel invents dynamite in 1866. Dynamite made contruction, destruction, and war easier with the exploding power of dynamite.

1873-11-10 08:18:36

Barbed Wire

Joseph Glidden invents the barbed wire in 1873. It lets ranchers keep cattle in, keeps peopole and animals out, and constructs fences.

1876-11-07 09:18:00


Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, not cellular, in 1876. The telephone lets people communication across land easier and faster.

1877-11-07 09:18:00

Moving Pictures

Eadweard Muybridge invents moving pictures in 1877. It provided entertainment and set the path for television.

1878-11-07 09:18:00

Toilet Paper

The British Perforated Paper Company invents toilet paper. Made going to the bathroom a more pleasant trip and made hygene go up.

1886-11-07 09:18:00

Coca Cola

John Pemberton invents Coca Cola in 1886. It gave people a refreshing drink and set the way for other sodas.

1887-11-07 09:18:00

Contact Lenses

F.E. Mueller and Adolf Fick co-invent contact lenses in 1878. Allowed people with glasses to play sports and look better without glasses.

1888-11-07 09:18:00

Winding Drinking Straws

Marvin Stone invents the winding drinking straw in 1888. This invention made drinking fun and easier for children.

1889-03-30 19:08:06


In 1889, Joshua Pusey creates the matchbook. It made lighting/creating fires easier than the traditional method.

1901-03-30 19:08:06

Double Edged Safety Razor

The King Camp Gillette Company creates the first double edged safety razor in 1901. Made men's shaving more comfortable and safer than a single bladed razor.

1902-03-30 19:08:06


James Mackenzie creates a polygraph in 1902. Made criminal cases easier for detectives to detect the truth of a person's words. Made a difference in court cases.

1903-03-30 19:08:06


In 1903, Edward Benny and Harold Smith co-invent the coloring invention that is crayons. Crayons were made for coloring and children entertainment. It made entertaining more easier on adults.

1904-01-27 15:13:07


Thomas Sullivan creates the first teabags in 1904. Made making tea faster and easier than boiling tea leaves. It reduced time in the kitchen, making women's lives easier.

1914-01-27 15:13:07

Gas Mask

Garette A. Morgan invents and patents the first gas mask. Made fighting fires, going through poisonous gas, and other dangerous materials easier and safer for man.

1917-02-04 00:00:00

Modern Zipper

Gideon Sundback creates the modern zipper in 1917. The zipper made clothing and keeping clothing closed easier and more appropriate.

1940-04-25 00:00:00


Karl Pabst invents the one of the first Jeep. Made driving stylish and easier to drive in hard terrain. It revolutionized the German act in World War II.

1945-02-21 00:00:00

Atomic Bomb

The U.S. government invents the first atomic bomb in World War II. The U.S. government created the atomic bomb during World War II and revolutionized nuclear war. It made bombing people more effective.

Inventions of 1850-1950

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