Red River Resistance

Explore the events leading up to and during the Red River Resistance of 1870.

1869-01-01 00:00:00

Rupert's Land

The Hudson's Bay Company sells its control of Rupert's Land to the Canadian government for 1.5 million dollars! When selling and purchasing Rupert's Land neither the government or HBC considered those who lived there.

1869-01-01 00:00:00

Land Surveys

PM MacDonald sends a team of surveyors to Red River asking them to survey the land which would change the shape of the Metis land from long narrow strips to square 'township' lots. Q. Which lot system do you think works best? Is fair?

1869-10-18 00:00:00

National Committee of Metis

Fearful that the government would be successful at taking Metis land away from them when the transfer of Rupert's Land was complete, Louis Riel created the Natioanl Committee of Metis to figure out a way to protect Metis right.

1869-11-02 00:00:00

Provisonal Government

Riel and a group of Metis capture Fort Garry and set up a provisional government demanding the rights and concerns of the Metis be heard in Ottawa.

1869-11-30 23:33:31

Lieutenant-Governor McDougall

William McDougall was sent to Red River on the government's behalf to govern the new territory once Rupert's Land became Canada's. Riel and a group of Metis stopped McDougall and his men and forced them to turn around.

1869-12-01 23:33:31

Transfer Delayed

The transfer of Rupert's Land from HBC to the Canadian government is delayed because the government is nervous about the unrest in the Red River Settlement.

1870-01-15 23:33:31

Thomas Scott

A group of armed men are sent to Red River to try and take back Fort Garry. The group of men failed and were jailed by Riel. One of the men arrested was Thomas Scott, who was particularly against Metis rights was very vocal and rude to the Metis while in jail.

1870-01-31 23:33:31


MacDonald sent a messenger to Red River to explain how the government planned to govern the settlement and find out what the Metis wanted. The messenger returned to Ottawa with the Metis Bill of Rights that Riel had written.

1870-03-04 23:33:31

Scott's Execution

Riel sentenced Thomas Scott to death by firing squad because he was continually rude and difficult while in jail. When news of Scott's death reached Ontario, Anglo Canadians demanded Riel be hanged.

1870-07-15 23:33:31

Manitoba Act

The Red River Settlement is renamed Manitoba and entered into Confederation based around Riel's Bill of Rights.

1870-07-31 23:33:31

Run Riel!

MacDonald sends troops to Manitoba to prevent any more trouble from the Riel and the Metis. Still angry about what happened to Scott, some of the troops start attacking and killing Metis involved in Scott's death. Riel flees Canada for the United States for the time being.

1885-11-16 23:33:31

Riel's Execution

Riel returned to Canada and tried to help the Metis living in Saskatchewan resist the Canadian government, but was soon captures and hanged to death for treason in Regina, SK.

1885-12-31 15:02:16


Red River Resistance

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