Timeline of Events: Sheffield's Dollar General store woes

Sheffield has been wrestling with plans for a Dollar General business for a good part of a year now. Here's a timeline of events leading up to the most recent Dollar General business decision.

Information aggregated by John Sakata and Laura Lofgren | Berkshire Eagle Staff;xNLx;Timeline created by Laura Lofgren | Berkshire Eagle Staff

2013-03-06 00:00:00

Planning Commission proposes bylaw change

The Planning Commission proposes a bylaw change that would impact businesses more than 5,000 square feet, which would include the proposed Dollar General. The bylaw proposes additional town review for any business more than 5,000 square feet. Building Inspector Thomas Carmody requests a meeting delay because it was improperly noticed by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission complies.

2013-03-08 00:00:00

Building Inspector Thomas Carmody resubmits plans

In early March — Days later, Carmody approves re-submitted plans for the proposed Dollar General prior to the Planning Commission re-convening, which means Dollar General would not be impacted by the bylaw if passed at town meeting.

2013-04-01 00:00:00

Planning Board appeals

April — The Planning Board presents an appeal to rescind the building permit. The Planning Board argues that the permit bypassed the routine review process so it wouldn’t be subject to the proposed zoning rules that might affect its construction.

2013-05-06 00:00:00

Voters reject changes

At annual town meeting, voters reject the Planning Board’s proposed bylaw changes.

2013-05-13 00:00:00

Edwin Dobson wins seat on Board of Selectmen

Edwin “Ted” Dobson surprisingly wins a seat on the Board of Selectmen as a write-in candidate and defeats incumbent David Smith Jr. Dobson was recruited to run. He said at the time residents were upset could not voice concern about a proposed Dollar General in town.

2013-06-06 00:00:00

Zoning Board revokes building permit

The Zoning Board of Appeals issues its decision to revoke the building permit. The Sheffield ZBA identifies 10 zoning bylaw violations concerning parking, landscaping, and the future sale of beverages it deemed not approved to be sold in the zoned area.

2013-06-26 00:00:00

Primax files suit against Sheffield

Primax Properties files a legal suit in Land Court against the town. The building developer asserts that it should be able to build by right on the property.

2013-07-01 00:00:00

Sheffield's budget must be OK'd

July — The Finance Committee agreed any increase on the town’s $36,000 legal budget should be approved at a special town meeting.

2013-09-04 06:44:11

Selectmen enter closed-door session

The Board of Selectmen decide in a closed-door session to enter mediation with Primax. The decision is kept quiet.

2013-09-10 00:00:00

Primax, council meet

Primax Properties and the town’s legal council meet for the first time in Land Court. Land Court Judge Harry Grossman says discovery could continue through the end of the year.

2013-09-16 00:00:00

Resident submits petition

Sheffield resident David West submits a petition with 151 signatures that would prevent the use of taxpayer money in the Dollar General legal suit. The petition would add an article to a future special town meeting warrant.

2013-09-19 00:00:00

Mediation favored

Following closed-door discussions, the Zoning Board of Appeals publicly announces it favors mediation with Primax Properties.

2013-09-23 00:00:00

Selectmen state publicly to enter mediation

The Board of Selectmen on Monday publicly state that in closed-door session on Sept. 4, it decided to enter mediation.

Timeline of Events: Sheffield's Dollar General store woes

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