Evolution of Political Parties

Political Parties

1792-05-17 19:54:01

Democratic-Republican Party

Party formed by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, it was created directly to oppose the Federalist Party. Favoring States Rights, it was very popular in the Southern States of the Country.

1792-08-01 10:41:45

Federalist Party

In 1789 the American Federalist Party was founded by Alexander Hamilton on the belief that the nation needed a National Bank, tariffs and relations with the British. During the War of 1812, at the Hartford Convention it had suggested the Northeast break away from the South and West, but after Jackson's Victory at New Orleans the party died off.

1817-09-16 17:12:44

Era of Good Feelings

During James Monroe's presidency, the Era of Good Feelings was brought upon by a sense of Nationalism and the Federalist Party dissolving. No major political disputes were happening until after Monroe's Term.

1828-02-12 09:52:40

Democratic Party

Founded after the Era of Good Feelings with Jackson as the head, going into presidency. It has favored the same ideas as the Democratic-Republican Party before it.

1833-11-21 03:30:42

The Whig Party

The Whig Party was founded after Andrew Jackson was elected president to oppose the Democratic Party. The Whigs focused on Modernization and economic protectionism.

1845-03-18 01:26:00

Know-Nothing Party

Formed in 1845, It was a party that wished to stop the influence of immigrants in the United States. They only allowed Male Protestants into the political party.

1858-11-21 03:30:42

Republican Party

The Republican Party was formed in 1858 from former Whig Party Members and Free-Soilers. It formed a majority in the Northern States but almost no presence in the South.

Evolution of Political Parties

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