Professional Development
My professional development since beginning my career as a teacher.
2012-02-15 15:30:00
NZTC Registration Training
The registration process.
2012-02-22 09:00:00
Engagement in the Classroom
Classroom management, creating engaging lessons across the curriculum, engaging parents, whanau and the community. Emotional and behavioural engagement also discussed.
2012-03-21 09:00:00
Reading and Oral Language
Focussed on all aspects of the reading programme. Provider: Learning Network West Auckland.
2012-03-21 15:30:00
WAVES (Family Violence)
Introductory session: Definitions, statistics.
2012-04-11 15:30:00
WAVES (Family Violence) part 2
Policies, procedures, ongoing study they were conducting. School contributed towards data.
2012-05-09 09:00:00
Vocabulary, resources, planning. Provider: Learning Network, West Auckland.
2012-05-17 11:05:34
Individual Maths Session
Observed model lesson. Diagnostic question, thinking groups, materials. Providor: Jill Smythe
2012-05-30 09:00:34
Health Promoting Schools - Ka Hikitia
Discussion of Ka Hikitia and the tools that can be used to promote Maori achievement.
2012-06-06 09:00:34
Evidence Based Learning
Focus on IKAN, Probe, E-Asttle assessments and how to create hotspot spreadsheets to focus your teaching programme. Provider: Learning Network, West Auckland
2012-06-12 15:30:34
E-Asttle Writing
Introduction to marking rubrics, reference materials, levelling and the 'where to next' tools.
2012-07-17 09:00:34
Focussed on WAPA 2020 Strategy. Keynote: Raising Maori Achievement. Seminars attended: Student-Led Conferences; Diversity of Special Needs Students; Student Summary; Cafe Breakout.
2012-08-01 09:00:34
Oral & Written Language
Focus on E-Asttle and the use of websites to provide some variety in your programme Provider: Learning Network, West Auckland.
2012-08-08 15:30:34
Curriculum Mapping
Incorporating the NZC vision, key competencies and values into subject areas. Provider: Neil Mahoney
2012-08-22 15:15:01
Maths - ALIM
Advanced Learning in Maths system for below standard learners. Provider: Mathematics Leader from local school.
2012-08-29 09:15:01
Effective Pedagogy
Adapting teaching styles to meet the needs of learners.
2012-09-20 10:00:01
Focussed on assisting me with 2 problems I have in my classroom.
2012-09-27 10:55:05
Maths planning
Setting up groups, tumble activities. Demonstrated using a 'think sheet', NZ Maths Illustrations. Provided me with Mad Minute templates.
2012-10-01 12:00:05
Easiteach Software
Useful refresher and provided some useful ideas. Sat with Mentor Teacher and bounced ideas off each other of how it could be used.
2012-10-01 12:00:05
Concentrated on use of 'Thinking' tools including: Broom's Effective Teaching, Gartners Multiple Intelligences and the Habits of Mind. Demonstrated how used for constructing reading & writing lessons as well as for behaviour management.
2012-10-24 15:30:31
RTLB - Behaviour Management Plan for Extreme Students
Plan co-constructe for 2 students. Different behaviours, underlying issues and possible controls all generated.
2012-10-31 13:30:31
Te Reo & Tikanga
Communicative Te Reo tasks demonstrated, their use for behaviour management. Number of activities, phrases, resources and ideas provided. Strong message - refer to MoE resources.
2013-03-13 16:00:31
Lighting the Literacy Fire
Jill Eggleton: Focussed on writing process and how to engage children.
2013-03-21 14:00:31
Literacy Leaders
Turning the Literacy Plan and Teaching as Inquiry plans into actions for whole school development. Provider: Team Solutions - Colleen Bott
2013-03-22 14:30:31
State Swim Safe - Lesson Observation
Whole class swimming lesson. Observed model lesson by facilitator, including structure, swimming styles and games.
2013-03-27 14:00:31
Time spent with Jill Smythe to discuss warm up activities for stage 5 and 6 students. Discussed making greater use of Teacher Number Knowledge Book 4. Variations of the 1000s books games, dice colouring and others.
2013-03-27 15:30:31
Maths - Whole School
Concentrated on the use of Rich Tasks for maths. Resources/activities available online. Time spent looking at a particular context and all of the things a student could look at.
2013-04-10 18:00:31
Ignite Evening
Focusses on use of ICT. After attending I started my own teaching blog, had face to face with many peers from Twitter. Very motivating.
2013-05-15 09:00:37
Senior school writing observations
Working with Colleen Bott we observed all teachers in the senior team focussing on DATs, WALTs, the writing process and what teachers were doing with their writing inquiry.
2013-05-22 09:30:37
E-Learning Presentation - Luke Sumich
Luke was presenting a summary of his trip through the US investigating eLearning. Emphasis on the why and promoted focussing on what you wanted students to do rather than the Apps to do it with.
2013-05-23 13:30:37
Focussed on the effective planning for Reading & Writing, range of activities and dealt with some of the problems we are having in our classrooms.
2013-08-28 13:30:37
Diverse Learners
Looking at how to cater with all of different learners within the classroom. 1. Diverse learning needs. 2. Catering for them. 3. Fitting it all in. 4. Topics for inquiry.
2013-09-02 09:00:37
WAPA eLearning
Visited Taupaki School to spend time in Y8 class. Observed & discussed: Code Augmented Reality Morfo 3D printing Hackasaurus Management of devices - Meraki Management of passwords
2013-09-05 09:00:37
Blended Learning
Discussing iPad management, workflows, layering, sharing and safety. Specific apps/programs used included: Apple TV, Reflector, Socrative, Dropbox, GoogleDrive, Explain Everything, Prezi. Provider: TTS
2013-09-12 13:00:37
Apple Learning Seminar
Apple hosted event. Hands on learning using iPads and MacBooks on Pages, ExplainEverything, Popplet, PuppetPals, iMovie, iBooks, iTunesU.
2013-10-16 15:15:37
Planning for High Needs Pt 1
Ex-principal from Westbridge at school to outline how to cope with, manage and plan for high behavioural needs students.
2013-10-23 15:15:37
Planning for High Needs Pt 2
Ex-principal from Westbridge at school to outline how to cope with, manage and plan for high behavioural needs students.
2013-10-30 13:30:37
Science, Literacy & extras
Final session at the Learning Network with Provided resources/outlines to help with several areas.
2013-10-30 16:00:37
9 in 90
Hosted by WAPA 2020 elearning team. Focussed on digital photography, animation, video, blogging and programming software. Aimed at PC users but several points for pedagogical and engagement areas.
2014-01-30 09:00:37
Engaging Diverse Minds
Dr Rich Allen. Provided by Learning Network. Movement to immerse students in learning and support brain function - Student conversations to process content and embed long-term memories - Visual memory devices to support visual learners - Novelty to re-engage student attention and spark higher levels of interest - Choice to provide different personalities with a safe learning environment - Music to enhance learning and recall and support classroom management - Memory pegs to ensure every student can recall content
2014-03-12 15:30:37
Ministry of Education at school to assist with rolling out data collection strategy for PB4L programme.
2014-03-19 10:30:37
WAPA - Engagement
WAPA conducting regular sessions on engagement. I was invited to present on use of Twitter & Quadblogging. Also listened to 6 other presentations.
2014-03-19 15:15:37
NZCER Website
DP met with team to outline all possible ways that we could analyse & utilise NZCER marking of PAT tests.
2014-05-01 09:00:37
BYOD 2014
Attended presentations on Digital Citizenship, Google, BYOD, Project Learning, BYOD Pedagogy.
2014-05-02 11:00:37
Awataha Marae visit
A staff visit to teach us more about the protocols for visiting a marae. Also completed workshops on our Pepeha, harakeke weaving and singing an action song.
2014-06-05 09:00:37
WAPA eLearning
WAPA session to promote eLearning amongst the cluster. 7 schools presented their journeys then an approach was formed for a way forward in the cluster.
2014-07-18 09:00:37
First Aid Training
Designed for first aid in the workplace. We learnt about rescue breathing, CPR, recovery position, choking, bandaging and many other aspects to help staff in the playground and classroom.
2014-07-26 09:30:37
Presented in Smackdown, as well as session on Kidsedchatnz. Attended smackdown, Code Club for teachers, Minecraft & Slam sessions. Blogged:
2014-08-08 08:30:37
#EdchatNZ Conference
1st conference organised by the #edchatnz team I presented with Simone Gentil about Kidsedchatnz on Day 1 (see programme).
2014-09-20 09:30:37
Hosted by Mokoia Intermediate, Rotorua. Blogged my learning at
2014-09-30 11:00:37
Minecraft GHO
Designed to continue the minecraft journey started by EducampMinecraft. Organised by Sonya van Schaijik.