In 1953 two young men approached a dean in the throes of establishing the Villanova Law School and asked him to revive a moribund choral group as the director of music.;xNLx;;xNLx;Conrad “Moose” Urban and Jack Padova were the petitioners and Dean Harold Gill Reuschlein was the person who said yes when most people in his position would have said no. Along with Chuck Brockman, Bob Lima, Jack Eddinger, Jim Fox and others, they established the strong musical and fraternal foundation of the Villanova Singers. The joy and friendship resulting from their efforts is evident as generations of Villanova Singers gathered at a Legacy Weekend and explained [Why We Sing](;xNLx;;xNLx;This site, created to preserve the story of the Villanova Singers, is dedicated with heartfelt thanks to our Founders.;xNLx;
1953-08-01 12:14:44
The Beginning
Moose Urban and others go to see Dean Harold Reuschlein about forming a chorale group.