The Boyne Theater

The Boyne City Theater has been an integral part of the community since 1903, it has provided a meeting place, entertainment and a general sense of community. The Boyne City Main Street Progtam is looking to restoring the theater back to its original glory.

1903-05-01 00:00:00


The The theater was constructed in 1903 by C.I. Bellamy as the Bellamy Opera House. In 1904 The Boyne Citizen proudly headlined, “An Up-to-Date Theater/ The Bellamy Opera House Finest for Size in State/ Boyne City’s Modern Amusement Hall Seats Nearly a Thousand People.”

1914-01-10 21:53:24


From 1914-1915, Opera House underwent several renovations to keep the building up to date and relevant. Including an extension to the front of the building bringing it to the street.

1926-04-17 23:19:30


In 1926 the Opera House officially changed its name to the Boyne Theater.

1938-08-14 17:32:06

Revovated Again

In 1938 the Theater went through another round of renovations which saw the installation of improved heating and a new lobby.

1950-02-11 12:40:48

New Look

A new marquee is installed which still remains there to this day.

1980-12-03 11:11:45


The projection booth is located behind the balcony and still contains projection equipment from the 1980's.

1992-04-28 01:36:18


A second screen is added on to keep up with demands for theaters to show more then one movie, as well as the need to cycle through films faster.

1994-06-02 20:12:18

Adding On

To increase revenue to the waning movie theater profits a dance floor is added into a new second story above the theater. The dance floor is connected to the bar next door. A steel frame is constructed to house the new addition.

1999-03-12 09:33:36


After a lack of profits the Boyne Movie Theater closes its doors for the forseeable future.

2008-04-05 06:17:06

New Beginnings

The new owners of the bar next door, The Thirsty Goat, wish to give the Theater back to the community and to see it reopen. They approach the Main Street Program to see about doing this.

2013-05-01 00:00:00

Continuing Improvement

Hugh Conklin of the Boyne City Main Street Program continues the fight to raise funds and to get the theater reopened.

The Boyne Theater

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