Prior to SBSTA 28, were made : •two workshops held at the 24th session of the SBSTA, (ii) •submissions from Parties and accredited NGOs that were received and compiled by the secretariat in the synthesis report FCCC/SBSTA/2008/INF.3, and then considered by the SBSTA, and •(iii) the further consideration by the CDM Executive Board of proposals for new methodologies for carbon dioxide capture and storage as clean development mechanism project activities
Discussions in sessions 28 and 29 were centered around the content of the reports prepared previously, and means to enhance capacity-building and facilitate the sharing of information. After all, the SBSTA could not conclude the consideration of the issue during those sessions.
The CMP at its fourth session requested the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism (CDM) to assess the implications of the possible inclusion of carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as CDM project activities and to report to the CMP at its fifth session (decision 2/CMP.4).
In response to the decision 2.CMP/4 at its 46th meeting (March 2009), the CDM Executive Board agreed to launch a call for experts with suitable experience in CCS in geological formations, with in particular technical, methodological and legal experience for assessing the implications of the possible inclusion of CCS in geological formations as CDM project activities.
The SBSTA considered the agenda item again at its 30th session and concluded by (i) taking note of decision 2/CMP.4 (see above), (ii) inviting Parties to submit to the secretariat, by 28 September 2009, further views on issues relevant to the consideration of CCS in geological formations as CDM project activities, for compilation by the secretariat into a miscellaneous document; and (iii) agreeing to continue its consideration of this matter at its thirty-first session.
At its thirty-first session, the SBSTA took note of further views on issues relevant to the consideration of CCS in geological formations as CDM project activities, contained in document FCCC/SBSTA/2009/MISC.11. At the same session, the SBSTA agreed to continue its consideration of this matter at its thirty-second session, based on the draft contained in annex I to document FCCC/SBSTA/2009/8. At its 50th meeting (October 2009) the CDM Executive Board, taking into account the reports prepared by the consultants and the discussions within the Board, agreed to present a summary of possible consequences of the inclusion of carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities as contained in annex 11 of the report of that meeting. The document was included as an annex to the EB report to CMP 5. The first report prepared by the consultants was considered by the Executive Board at its 49th meeting and the final report, at its 50th meeting. The reports were used as inputs to the EB meetings and reflect solely the opinions of the consultants. Both reports are available on the CDM website as part of the annotations to the agendas of the 49th and 50th meetings of the Executive Board. The respective links are listed below. At its 47th meeting (May 2009) the CDM Executive Board considered (a) the draft terms of reference (ToR) to assess the implications of the possible inclusion of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in geological formations as CDM project activities prepared by the groups of members; (b) the draft document on the process for the selection of the CCS experts; (c) the list of experts that have applied to the call for experts on CCS. The Board agreed to the proposed ToR, as contained in annex 11 to the EB 47 meeting report, and selected the experts for this assignment using the proposed process for the selection. The selected candidates were contacted and contractual arrangements were agreed upon.
The part of the report that focuses on the carbon dioxide capture and storage is the Paragraph 75 of the third chapter « Work undertaken in the reporting period ». This paragraph establishes that the Board conducted a study on the possible inclusion of CCS within CDM. The annex (II) presents a summary of the implications of this inclusion according to different issues and the pros and cons for each of them : •Technical issues •Environmental issues •Methodological issued •Legal issues •Market issues
At its thirty-second session, the SBSTA was invited to continue its consideration of the matter, based on: - The draft contained in annex I to document FCCC/SBSTA/2009/8, - The issues listed in paragraph 29 of the further guidance relating to the clean development mechanism (Decision 2/CMP.5), and - The views submitted by Parties on the issues mentioned in the bullet item above. The SBSTA, at its thirty-second session, agreed to continue the consideration of the matter at its thirty-third session based on the issues listed in the draft conclusions of its thirty-second session and the draft text contained in annex V to document FCCC/SBSTA/2010/6.
The part related to CCS is registered as the decision called « Carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities ». This decision recognizes the relevance of CCS regarding the goal of the Convention and recognizes the “concerns” expressed by the Parties. It also states that CCS should be safe and bring positive outcomes. It recognizes the eligibility of CCS for CDM and requests the subsidiary body for scientific and technological advice to elaborate modalities and procedures for the inclusion and establish a list of the issues to address. Finally, it encourages Parties to submit their views on the way the issues can be addressed.
The SBSTA, at its thirty-third session, recommended a draft decision for consideration by the CMP.