One of their major projects was this timeline. It covers the terms of living past presidents from 1968 to 2014, but includes photos of the deceased presidents within this time frame. Each living president was asked to provide a photo of their choice and to encapsulate in a brief statement what they consider to be the most significant accomplishment or event during their tenure in office. In a separate document the presidents were asked to reflect on other important events, positive and/or negative, during their presidency. The form of their responses varied but are available here as “their stories.” These reflections from living past presidents contribute a special perspective for understanding actions of leaders of the Society and changes in viewpoints over the years. (Click "Find out more" to access these reflections.);xNLx;;xNLx;This timeline has been prepared with assistance from Sally White, Chair of the Website Subcommittee for the Historical Records Committee.;xNLx;
Presidents before 1968 are reviewed in a separate timeline.
Ecology bridges humanity to sustainable environment
December 3, 1914 - November 29, 1988
Involving ESA in environmental policy and education
May 21, 1921 - May 1, 2004
January 19, 1913 - March 11, 1998
July 23, 1920 - April 14, 2012
July 24, 1922 - October 12, 1990
September 10, 1918 - September 8, 1999
September 24, 1930 -October 8, 2006