A "Ramblings" History of Music

A mix of music's personalities, events and periods, plus philosophers, scientists, artists and monarchs whose stories are relevant to the development of our music. Hint: to browse, try the 3d button.

0106 BC-10-11 09:39:48


Author of a masterpiece of Latin prose, "Scipio's Dream", in which he gives a clear account of the music of the spheres.

0330-01-01 00:00:00

Pope Sylvester's Music School

About this time begins the history of music as a separate art with a music school of singing in Rome.

0354-11-13 00:00:00


Early Christian theologian, "Augustine of Hippo"

0427 BC-01-01 00:00:00


Brings philosophy out of the dream world of mythology and shines the light of reason on understanding maths, music and the universe.

0480-10-11 09:39:48


Best of medieval writers on music. Through him, the basic vocabulary of music theory was transmitted to the late Middle Ages and Renaissance.

0590-01-01 00:00:00

Gregory the Great

During his pontificate, developed the earlier Greek modes or scales of music.

0600 BC-10-11 09:39:48


First analysis of the vibrating string, equated music and mathematics and described a musical universe.

0800-01-01 00:00:00

Early Music Notation

Symbols called "neumes" were developed in European monasteries to record Gregorian Chant.

0950-01-01 00:00:00

Polyphony & Cluniac Reforms

Founded at Cluny in 910, the monastic reforms spread into England and encouraged the use of polyphonic chant.

0992-01-01 00:00:00

Guido of Arezzo

Inventor of modern music notation.

A "Ramblings" History of Music

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