Author of a masterpiece of Latin prose, "Scipio's Dream", in which he gives a clear account of the music of the spheres.
About this time begins the history of music as a separate art with a music school of singing in Rome.
Early Christian theologian, "Augustine of Hippo"
Brings philosophy out of the dream world of mythology and shines the light of reason on understanding maths, music and the universe.
Best of medieval writers on music. Through him, the basic vocabulary of music theory was transmitted to the late Middle Ages and Renaissance.
During his pontificate, developed the earlier Greek modes or scales of music.
First analysis of the vibrating string, equated music and mathematics and described a musical universe.
Symbols called "neumes" were developed in European monasteries to record Gregorian Chant.
Founded at Cluny in 910, the monastic reforms spread into England and encouraged the use of polyphonic chant.
Inventor of modern music notation.